
Monday, 29 January 2018

How To Use eCATT Script from PowerShell

eCATT is a very powerful tool for test automation in the context of SAP. In this blog I describe how to use eCATT script from PowerShell. So we can combine the possibilities of eCATT on the one hand and PowerShell on the other hand.

Hint: To realize this scenario you need the SAP dotNET connector NCo. Look at my blog posts to find examples how to use NCo with PowerShell.

Sunday, 28 January 2018

OpenXML in word processing – Introduction and how to use it in ABAP

In first part of this blog I give introduction to OpenXML in word processing. In second part I will provide ABAP code how to read word files.

Starting with Microsoft Word 2007 when you create new document in word and save it – a new file is created with extension  “*.docx”. This file represents zipped xml files which describe whole word document. It includes, texts, tables, font sizes, colors, comments, margin settings, sections settings and everything what user manually placed and maintained in document. It is all about xml files bounded via relations one with each other in specific structure and zipped into file.

Saturday, 27 January 2018

Step by step to run Vue application in BSP

I discuss SAP UX strategy with their IT team. The team architect is a fan of Vue, who prefers to use Vue in their UI custom development instead of Fiori. Then I am curious about the advantage of Vue and plan to learn it in my spare time. As always a Vue Hello World must be finished before advantaged content is touched.

Wednesday, 24 January 2018

Secrets of the ABAP Debugger: Advanced ABAP Debugging Techniques

The ABAP debugger is a powerful tool helping to examine your ABAP code at runtime.

Besides the common and basic features, such as stepping through your code and inspect the values of your variables, field symbols, and references, it provides helpful features that can simplify and shorten your debugging sessions. Not all of these features might be known to everyone.

Tuesday, 23 January 2018

Formatted Excel Process

The dictionary defines automation as “the technique of making an apparatus, a process, or a system operates automatically.”

We define automation as “the creation and application of technology to monitor and control the
production and delivery of products and services.”

Sunday, 21 January 2018

How to create FPM Tree UIBB – Detailed steps with screenshots

Creating Tree UIBB in FPM application and displaying hierarchical records.


This document explains the step by step procedure to create Tree UIBB and display employee to manager relationship in tree or hierarchical form.

Friday, 19 January 2018

Spotlight on ABAP for SAP HANA – Again

The move from the classical SAP Business Suite to the Digital Core, i.e. SAP S/4HANA, places SAP HANA at the center of the game. The same is also valid when moving from traditional databases to SAP HANA – i.e. SAP Business Suite and SAP Business Warehouse powered by SAP HANA.

What does this really mean for ABAP developers?

I would like to use this blog to elaborate a bit on the topic ABAP for SAP HANA again.

Thursday, 18 January 2018

OpenXML in word processing – Custom XML part – mapping structured data

I discussed custom XML part and content control and how to work with it to achieve data binding in word document. Custom xml file was structured in very simple way. However there might be requirement to map and create some parts of document dynamically. For example we do not know how many records our table can contain after processing.

Tuesday, 16 January 2018

Exchange Rate Sync using IDoc

In the source system: in my case it was ECC – D01 800

Tcode: BD64 – Distribution Model

SAP ABAP Certifications, SAP ABAP Guides, SAP ABAP Tutorial and Materials

Saturday, 13 January 2018

Fiori elements – List Report – Sorting, Grouping and Table Types

It’s worth remembering that, as well as guiding the design of the List Report through annotations, there are always some List Report behaviours end users can control for themselves.  Naturally, if there’s a common preference among many end users you will want to default those behaviours up front using annotations. It’s also necessary to set certain default behaviours – such as sorting and grouping – if you want to add more advanced aggregation features such as totals, subtotals, and other analytics.

Wednesday, 10 January 2018

Variations Of Selecting Multiple Options From A List

If you want to provide a user the possibility to select multiple values from a list then you normally have – in other programming languages – a control containing items an the possibiity to mark or unmark them. It’s called a listbox in Visual Basic for example. You eather choose items by holding CTRL key pressed or clicking the check box of the desired list items.

Tuesday, 9 January 2018

Optional Parameters in CDS Views

I am a newbie to SAP-HANA world and was recently exploring different types of CDS Views (particularly CDS Views with Input Parameters).

Though CDS Views with Input Parameters were introduced quite a long time back but I could not find a way to make some of the input parameters as Optional. So I played around with some annotations and found out a way to accomplish the same.

Friday, 5 January 2018

SALV Tree(CL_SALV_TREE) Functionalities, Events and Tricks

CL_SALV_TREE is a very useful class to print information on the output screen in the form of a tree.

We can view similar kind of information grouped under nodes and can have option to have limited or full access to them.

The tabular view enables us to navigate through the data in an informative kind of way.

In this blog, we shall discuss about many small useful events for the CL_SALV_TREE and also some tricks to use them for our own desired functionalities such as Sorting, Filtering and Deleting and most importantly, REFRESH.

Wednesday, 3 January 2018

R/3 Take a step back into time – ALV Interactive Cut / Paste


Upload data from a spreadsheet into sales order conditions and a custom table.

The solution:

Use copy / paste from a clipboard into a program.   Create an ALV    The ALV will allow for some of the fields to be changed.

Tuesday, 2 January 2018

How to add value help for parameter in ABAP CDS Analytical Query

In this post I would like to share trick for adding value help to parameter in analytical query.

Parameters in ABAP CDS view could be used as mandatory, single value variable, which could be used when split of calculation logic required. By default parameters don’t have value help, like filtration option based on fields at consumption level.