
Friday, 30 March 2018

C-create, R-read, U-update, D-delete OData Services Creation Using ABAP CDS Views


This article describes the fastest way of OData Services creation using ABAP Core Data Services. Details on @OData.publish annotation utilization, reference to Data Source CDS-Entity and import from DDIC Structure are given. Create, Update and Delete actions are shown on the custom transparent table data just to simplify the article and do not move focus from OData Service creation to business process requirements implementation.

Wednesday, 28 March 2018

SAP Translation Hub. ABAP Integration How-To


This article shows an easy and fast way of creating multilingual ABAP applications in order to correspond to best-practice methods and “to speak the Customer’s language”.

Monday, 26 March 2018

TSW Junctions: An Example of Inversion of control


In this blog, I want to show an example of one of the object-oriented principle Inversion of control. It is implemented in the TSW (Trader’s and Scheduler’s Workbench). The approach taken is not so object oriented but it resemble the Concepts of Inversion of control. This blog is not for in detail understanding of junctions in TSW.

Friday, 23 March 2018

ABAP Debugger Script – 2 use cases ( display object data in ALV / break condtion on object value)

In the project we came across the challenge to find information within a list of objects in the debugger. in the ALV display you will only see all the objects instances.

Using debugger scripts (basics here) you are able to iterate on the internal object table and work with the values. In the second example I will show you how to display object information in an ALV.

Thursday, 22 March 2018

ABAP Unit Test for Odata Services

The intent of this blog is to describe how to create local unit test classes for Odata services.

Example Considered

In order to keep things simple we have created an Odata service which returns the description of the document type (AUART from TVAKT table) field based on the code passed to it. So I want to test my filter functionality where we will Document type code and it shall return description. In case no description exists then ABAP Unit test shall fail.

Monday, 19 March 2018

Create an analytical model based on ABAP CDS views

SAP HANA combines OLAP and OLTP processing in a single in-memory database, transactional and analytical can live together in the same place and this means you have access to the exact information you need in real time.

With this new approach an interesting question emerges, since we have the transactional and analytical worlds combined in a single database, is there any difference in the development approach when we talk about data models constructed over ABAP CDS (Core Data Services)?

Friday, 16 March 2018

How eCATT Executes the Commands TCD and SAPGUI

SAPs Extended Computer Aided Test Tool (eCATT) offers in its language two interesting commands – TCD and SAPGUI – to executes some recorded activities. In this blog post I describe how the commands works, from the recorded XML file to the BCD respectively to the OLE interface of the SAP GUI Scripting.

Wednesday, 14 March 2018

How To Combine PowerShell Development in ABAP Context

If you work with PowerShell in ABAP context it could be profitably to integrate PowerShell development into your ABAP development process. In this example I will show how to use PowerShell ISE to read and store PowerShell scripts as includes on an SAP system.

At the SAP system I added two RFMs. The first reads an include and the second writes an include. In both cases it is necessary that the include exists on the SAP system and it must be activated.

Monday, 12 March 2018

How ABAP syntax highlight is implemented in “WebIDE” launched via browser

I have introduced the step how to launch tcode SE80 by Fiori launchpad and run it in the browser with the help of SAP ITS.

SAP ABAP Development, SAP ABAP Tutorials and Materials, SAP ABAP Connectivity, SAP S/4HANA

Friday, 9 March 2018

Tool to list down the Looked-up Tables in any Transformation in SAP BI

I’ve created quite a handy tool that would save you all a lot of time and effort in doing several small things at work. This tool might interest you much as I’ve coded a tool that lists down the Objects that are being looked-up in any Transformation (including 2 level Include Programs i.e. upto an Include Program in an Include Program used in either of Field/ Expert/ Start/ End Routine) so that you get to know which Objects shall be loaded before-hand i.e. before executing the DTPs that load using the said Transformation.

Wednesday, 7 March 2018

Using interfaces to standardize your ABAP OO Development


◈ You can utilize interfaces to move class functionalities to higher abstraction level
◈ You make code cleaner and nicer to look at
◈ Interfaces enable you to create mockup objects and increase code testability
◈ SOLID approach can be achieved
◈ With interfaces you make your class enabled for extension, but closed for modification
◈ Methods can use different object of differrent classes without using RTTS and casting unless they implement the same interface.

Monday, 5 March 2018

SAP FIORI Debugging Tales – Display Notification App Action box failing

In addition we are open to all ears to hear about any shortcut ways to resolve the issue, any quick dirty solution most welcome.

Problem Statement

Display quality notification app was displaying the notification but when we click on any button in Action box we were getting RFC error as depicted in below picture