
Friday, 29 June 2018

Writing a SICF service


This blog will guide you through the process of creating a SICF service (REST). SICF is an SAP transaction which is used to maintain services for HTTP communication, using the Internet Communication Manager (ICM) and the Internet Communication Framework (ICF). This can be useful in multiple situations. For example: A certain system might not have the proper Gateway installation or configuration to create services there.

Wednesday, 27 June 2018

Adding custom tab in transaction RELMPL using BDT

This blog explains the enhancement for adding a custom tab in RELMPL transaction using BDT and to store the custom fields data in VILMPL table.


The Business Data Toolset (BDT) is a central control tool for maintaining SAP programs. It supports maintenance via the use of dialog techniques, direct input and/or function modules. The BDT is basically the tool, SAP use when they want to add new fields, change field names, change/add field groups etc for specific customers, but they are now started to allow customers access to these maintenance transactions.

Friday, 22 June 2018

How to create calendar day ABAP CDS view with working day flag


◈ With S/4HANA we have a standard CDS view I_CalendarDate based on SCAL_TT_DATE table, but there aren’t information about working days. However it could be important to have such flag, for example, when we need to count only working days or filtering something based on working dates only.

Wednesday, 20 June 2018

ABAP is here and it stays in the DNA of SAP even in the New Age of SAP Development

After having followed the other blogs you will have your own SAP Cloud Connector (SAPCC), your own NW ABAP, both of them running in separate Docker containers on your own laptop, and you’ll have setup all configuration needed to connect your very own NW ABAP through your SAPCC to your own SAP Cloud Platform (SAPCP) trial account – non-trial works as well. You will also learn how to configure Principal Propagation which basically allows you to get Single-Sign-On (SSO) easily working.

Monday, 18 June 2018

Using ABAP2XLSX to send ALV table output as Excel spreadsheet via internet email

A recent discussion amongst the ABAP developers at my site dealt with the topic of how to arrange for a customized ABAP program running as a background job to have its ALV table output sent to an internet email address. During this discussion I learned the easy way to do this, requiring no ABAP programming at all, which simply requires the designation of a Spool recipient when scheduling the background job via transaction SM36:

Friday, 15 June 2018

New ABAP Table Sum


In this blog series, the goal is to focus on comparing older ABAP language features with a detailed explanation of the new ABAP syntax.

Wednesday, 13 June 2018

ABAP CDS View: Issue faced on join of tables on columns where one column is of RAW data type

ABAP CDS views provide the capability to join tables on linked columns. For example, a table employee_details and company_details can be joined based on company_ID that exists in both the tables. But following issues are faced while performing join:

1) Both columns have different data types:

First solution that will come to your mind is to cast one of these columns as the data type of the other.

Monday, 11 June 2018

How to Test BOPF Actions, Determinations and Validations Using BUnit – An Introduction to the BOPF Unit Test Framework

The Business Object Processing Framework (BOPF) provides actions, determinations and validations to define the (main) logic of their application. The behavior is usually defined in the execute method of those interfaces (/BOBF/IF_FRW_ACTION, /BOBF/IF_FRW_DETERMINATION and /BOBF/IF_FRW_VALIDATION). The application-related data can be obtained using the parameter io_read (type ref to /BOBF/IF_FRW_READ), and can be modified by io_modify (type ref to /BOBF/IF_FRW_MODIFY, not available for validations). Either one of them, if not both, might always be used. Writing unit tests for the execute methods will have mocking io_read and / or io_modify as a prerequisite. This would probably mean to perform at least the following:

Saturday, 9 June 2018

BOPF: Using Non-UUIDs (DB_KEY) keys DB tables

1. Definition

The Business Object Processing framework is an ABAP Object oriented framework that provides a set of generic functionalities for modularized and standardized development. It controls business logic as well as data retrieval of buffer and persistency layer. The Business Object Processing Framework mainly processes data that are uniquely identified by UUIDs. This means, database tables should contain DB_KEY of Type RAW16. In case, there is a requirement to use existing legacy tables (Non RAW16 keys) in BOPF then it requires different steps in configuration of BOPF. Many blogs/documents are available that can provide more details about default configuration process and implementation of BOPF. However, not much information is available on the configuration required for using non-UUID key fields as table keys.

Wednesday, 6 June 2018

ABAPUnitTest – TDD implementation

I must confess that I have never-ever written unit test before developing the code. Test Driven Development (TDD) is something which I was not aware of.  When I looked at the first slide I thought this does not make much sense to me. But eventually once I completed week 2, the overall understanding became better and was able to connect the dots.  In order to see how it works with our actual requirement, so thought of implementing it in implicit enhancement. So this blog talks about my experience of implementing a TDD for an enhancement, benefits which I saw, issues which I faced etc. with an intent it will help someone.

Monday, 4 June 2018

How to register/activate ActiveX component MSCOMM32.OCX on Windows 7

In this blog I will try to explain step-by-step on how to download and activate Windows activeX control MSCOM32.OCX on the client PC where the Weighbridge’s serial port is connected.

Go to the link and download the file mscomm32.ocx

If you are running Windows on 32 bit machine Copy the file that you have downloaded to C:\Windows\System32 folder.

Friday, 1 June 2018

How-To Create Email Content Sections Using /SKYBFR/YCA1 Add-On

This article describes parameters and samples of how to use CONVERT_VALUES_TO_HTML Method of Skybuffer Simple Communication SAP Add-On.

CONVERT_VALUES_TO_HTML is a powerful method having a huge functional for email content creation in HTML format. It can create HTML sections containing header, text paragraphs, name-value pairs lists, data tables. These sections can be combined one by one into a complete neat email like this one: