
Monday, 29 April 2019

Hybrid Programming – OOP ALV CDS Fiori

I haven’t been on here in awhile. But today I was looking out my window in April in Michigan at the snow.  For those of you reading it not thinking that is a big deal. It’s been since the 1800s since we’ve gotten snow this late in April. And yes, I’m inside looking at that snow.  Take a look at the ground – yes lovely green grass and my pine tree looks happy.  It’s a bit of a hybrid out there spring and winter on the ground.

Saturday, 27 April 2019

Fiori elements utilizing CDS with Virtual Elements

This Blog is about utilizing the CDS’s virtual elements feature which as exposed as ODATA Via SADL (direct in SEGW / with ODATA Publish true annotations). This ODATA can be further consumed by Fiori Elements based application.

Also following SAP standard documents are helpful for understanding of CDS with Virtual elements.

Friday, 26 April 2019

SAP S/4HANA Cloud Extensibility – Engraving sample scenario – Technical Setup – Custom Business Logic Part - 3

Create Custom Business Logic

Also, in the cloud I have the option to write additional custom coding in order to adapt the business logic of my system.

I have mainly two options to add custom code.

Thursday, 25 April 2019

Generate dynamic excel from dynamic internal table

This blog is to create a utility class for generating an excel file dynamically using a dynamic internal table. It can be directly called in any ECC program do download an excel file.

There are already some blogs available on this topic, but those does not support dynamic table.
This utility class can be used in multiple use case i.e. Download program in ECC, download excel via OData service etc.

Wednesday, 24 April 2019

How to scan ABAP code?

For different purposes , scanning  ABAP codes in an SAP system is useful to gather different kind of information.

For example:

Monday, 22 April 2019

Step By Step Process To Unlocking The Users Password Using Gateway Service(OData) When ever it is locked

In this blog I want to explain about how to unlock the users password when it is locked using OData and Resetting the users password by giving temporary password which is been sending through mail.

Step 1. Go to t-code SEGW to create service.

Saturday, 20 April 2019

SAP S/4HANA Cloud Extensibility – Engraving sample scenario – Technical Setup – Custom Business Object Part-2

Custom Business Object

I will create a custom business object “Style” the purpose of the object should be that I can maintain the available styles for my engraving. The style should contain the layout of the engraving so which font, which font size, should it be bold, italic or underlined. The CBO could be used as a lookup in the imagined web shop, therefor I will expose the CBO via a custom communication scenario. With that I will be able to read the CBO and create new CBO entries from the postman application. I will also show you the option of a custom code list that I use as a value help for the bold field.

Friday, 19 April 2019

SAP S/4HANA Cloud Extensibility – Engraving sample scenario – Technical Setup – Create custom fields, process extensibility and data exposure

This blog post is part of a blog series focusing on SAP S/4HANA Extensibility. It is one of 5 blog posts taking care of the technical setup of extensibility with a focus on In-App Extensibility. It also acts a the basis for the technical setups that will be done in the following technical blogs as well as in the process execution.

Wednesday, 17 April 2019

How to guide – Connectivity Setup with ABAP and SAP Cloud Connector


This how-to guide describes an end-to-end scenario to consume backend data coming from an Netweaver AS ABAP system which is exposing a products catalog via an OData service. The approach of the blog is to provide intuitive guidance with the SAP Cloud Platform Connectivity Service and the SAP Cloud Connector.

Tuesday, 16 April 2019

How to Create and Print the QR Code in Sap Scripts


QR Code is stands for Quick Response Code.It was first developed and used in Japan.QR Code is advanced technology.It is a two-dimensional encoding, whereas a Bar Code is one-dimensional encoding in nature.

Monday, 15 April 2019

Data filtration options and performance analysis in ABAP CDS views


There currently three main ways of filtering data:

1. Parameters in all level of ABAP CDS views
2. Variables in consumption level ABAP CDS views
3. Authorisations with DCL views

Sunday, 14 April 2019

Trigger workflow by OData service

This blog is define to trigger the workflow by custom application through Odata services it is a simple workflow with user decision, when a user approve the workflow the record will be created in database table.

Saturday, 13 April 2019

Fiori Elements – Bullet Micro Chart in List Report


In this blog, I’ll explain Micro Bullet chart’s feature and how to use it in List Report using CDS annotations. I have added screen shot from annotation modeler and respective xml code in case you are using one of these approach.

The bullet chart features a single, primary measure. It compares that measure to one or more other measures to enrich its meaning (for example, compared to a target), and displays it in the context of qualitative ranges of performance, such as poor, satisfactory, and good.

Friday, 12 April 2019

Implementing Time Buckets in SAP ABAP CDS Views


When reporting on large size financial, CO-PA or other applications’ dataset, it is often required to aggregate information by time intervals further called time buckets and compare revenues and expenses in two or more time buckets; e.g., Year 2016 vs Year 2015, March 2019 vs March 2018, … etc.

Thursday, 11 April 2019

Physical Inventory with respect to WM

Overview Guide For Physical Inventory

Considering you have basic understanding of the process as discussed above let us jump in to the functional and technical process of the same.

Physical Inventory process varies with respect to MM and WM, in the upcoming steps we will show the same cycle with respect to WM Module.

Wednesday, 10 April 2019

Automation of GR Against PO and Picking, PGI for Sales Order Delivery

Requirement: An automation requested from client for posting GR against purchase order of Delivery at PGI and delivery creation, picking for the sales order. The following is the flow chart of the requirement.

Monday, 8 April 2019

CDS Hierarchies, RESTful ABAP Programming Model

In this blog post, I am going to talk about a new way of creating CDS Hierarchies. Earlier before 1809 (On-Premise release) or 1811(Cloud Release), there was a different way to create CDS Hierarchies.

Also, I will demonstrate a step-by-step tutorial to create a simple basic CDS Hierarchy. To make it really relevant for everyone I will start by creating TABLES, then to CDS Views, and then CDS Hierarchy.

Friday, 5 April 2019

Class to call adobe forms and manage PDF files

This blog shows how to implement a class to create and manage PDF files based on existing adobe forms and structures of the data dictionary.

The development consists in create binary file and implement the most common actions related to adobe forms.

Wednesday, 3 April 2019

ABAP Unit test patterns – test cases

By following good unit test practices, you can easily end up with a lot of boilerplate code. For example, it is recommended to have a single assert per test and split up tests into multiple methods instead of piling them up into one giant test. So it would not be uncommon for a new programmer to write a test class like this:

Tuesday, 2 April 2019

PDF Base 64 (string) to SAP FBL1N

I did something simple in SAP, but I did not find everything in one topic only. So I decided to do this post and I’ll try to explain it as easily as possible.

The problem was: “I have a PDF file in the portal and I need to attach it to the FBL1N transaction.”

The tools used were SAP ECC 618 EHP 6, Abap Netweaver 7.51, SAP PO 7.5 SP01 and any portal with API Rest that returns a JSON.

Monday, 1 April 2019

Consume data from an ABAP CDS association via INNER JOIN

People sometimes struggle to understand the value of associations in Core Data Services, in simple terms, associations define the relationship between different entities, but associations also improve the reusability, data consumption and it can even support different development scopes (e.g. use of attributes, texts and hierarchies in the analytical engine).