
Monday, 30 September 2019

Download Spool to Application and Presentation server in Text, HTML and Excel formats

In this blogpost you will learn to “Download spool to presentation server and application server in 3 formats – Excel, Text and HTML “.

In one of my projects I got a requirement to download the spool in Excel, text and HTML format in presentation/Application server.To convert spool into PDF, SAP has already provided a function module – CONVERT_ABAPSPOOLJOB_2_PDF and CONVERT_OTFSPOOLJOB_2_PDF.But unfortunately to convert in the above 3 formats there is no such Function module present.

Saturday, 28 September 2019

How to merge multiple PDF forms into single one and write in application server

Today I will try to explain how we can merge multiple PDF forms output into single one and write the same PDF file into application server.

Brief requirement: The real life scenario demanded to send a bundle of different SAP system generated PDF forms to a third party document repository ( has access to the SAP application server ) . The form bundle contains different forms like cover letter, loan agreement, direct debit, third party authorization, terms and condition forms etc.

Friday, 27 September 2019

Parallel Processing for Huge Number of Records In Internal Table

In some situations, Processing huge number of records in Internal table could take a lot of time. This in turn reduces performance of the entire system.This is where the concept of Parallel Processing comes into the picture. This Blog explains how to use Parallel Processing technique to Process huge volume of data in a much efficient manner.

Thursday, 26 September 2019

Find the variant of a program causing dump


In the area of SAP interfaces, particularly report programs having complex selection screens; it practically becomes impossible to remember the screen values, every time the user run the report.

Thus to solve, this problem, SAP came up with the concept of variants long ago, which enables the user to store the selection screen value combinations into a logical object.

Wednesday, 25 September 2019

Where my transport and what inside


Transport objects list handling is very important on any project: first developer may make a correction and release the transport, than an object may be changed by another developer and be released again. Wrong customization in a transport may have impact on regular reporting. New OSS Note may also affect performance or conflict with Customer enhancements, Customer User-EXIT’s or Customer BADI’s implementation.

Tuesday, 24 September 2019

SAP new technologies and the impacts in the life of consultants

I recently received an invitation to prepare and run a presentation to the IT Brazilian community in Sydney, subject free and with the main purpose of sharing experiences which may help other consultants in their SAP career’s development.

With this opportunity I found the perfect excuse to discuss a relevant topic that affects the SAP community nowadays, new SAP techs and the impacts in the life of consultants.

Monday, 23 September 2019

Refactoring an ABAP Include Monolith


Usually, in R/3 you see a common pattern: Spaghetti-Code within of program includes of a certain function group. Especially, in case of extensions of SAP standard this was required and caused the creation of big monoliths, whereby more than 10.000 lines of code was not rarely.

In addition, another problem as consequence is that only one developer could do a change of the source code, because the whole function group was locked. I would also assume that those changes could not be tested very well. Therefore, the developer would not be aware of any side effects.

Saturday, 21 September 2019

Dynamically Update Data From Excel To Database Table


I got the requirement to update the database table using the excel sheet data provided by the end-user. End-user will provide different database table names and the corresponding excel data, we need to upload that particular excel data into that corresponding database provided by the end-user.

Handling the field level validations i.e, the field order of that particular table with the field order of the excel data.

Friday, 20 September 2019

Allowing multiple entries for document number in F-28 | F-32

So here I am with another blog which talks about an enhancement which can help in solving a problem that has been there in F-28, F-32 and other similar standard transactions since long time.

People worked in FI as a consultant or end users know that while using F-28, we cannot give as many document numbers as we want as input. There is a limitation on number of documents that can be supplied at one go with below flexibility:

Wednesday, 18 September 2019

Tip: How To Execute C# or VB.NET Seamlessly in ABAP

Therefor I added a wrapper method in the COM library which delivers as return type a string. This method called run_str. It is very interesting to develop a component which can be used in different scenarios.

This approach uses the COM interface of the SAP GUI for Windows. Without the SAP GUI for Windows this approach can not be used. It is also not possible to use it with background processes.

Monday, 16 September 2019

SAPUI5 “FullStack” Tutorial: Fiori Client Barcode to Employee Data/Photo

In this tutorial i’m gonna show how to display the employee’s data/photo on a FIORI App, by reading a QR Code that contains his PERNR (Personnel number), showing all the way through.

To be able to complete this tutorial, your HR environment needs to have at least 1 employee with image configured.

Friday, 13 September 2019

SAP Manufacturing Integration and Intelligence for ABAPer’s


I have recently switched my job and that job super technical, each day is a new challenge.  So one of the challenge which came my way was to ramp up myself in SAP Manufacturing Integration and Intelligence(MII).Initially I thought it must be new module like SD/MM/FICO, language will  be ABAP only, I can do no issues. The moment I had my first call where the other person asked me few of the MII jargons like BLS, queries, PCO etc. , I was shocked I knew nothing.

Thursday, 12 September 2019

A4H Use Case – Creating CDS view to get System status and User Status Texts for bulk of Objects


In this blog post you will learn a use-case on concatenation of column values from multiple records and bring the data into single record in ABAP CDS views.


At some point in time we would have used the Function Module STATUS_TEXT_EDIT to fetch System Statuses and User status for any OBJNR.

Wednesday, 11 September 2019

Info-Provider Record Statistics Tool

I would like to share with you all regarding a BW tool that has been developed by myself. The tool is called as ‘ Info-provider Record Statistics tool’.


The Info-provider Record Statistics tool can be used for analyzing the key statistics in a Data – provider (Infocube, DSO, Master Data and DataSource). The tool determines the following statistics when we provide the technical name of the desired data provider as an input. The metrics determined are as follows:

Monday, 9 September 2019

Implementing Cartesian Transformation in SAP ABAP CDS Views


This paper presents in detail how to implement Cartesian Transformation in SAP ABAP CDS Views to convert a record with hundreds of measures to multiple records with few measures and their IDs.

This approach could be very useful when converting COPA and/or CCA data with hundreds of measures in each record to P&L data with multiple records; e.g., Sales, Rent, …, Revenues, Payroll, Utilities, …, Expenses for each original record and; e.g., , 2 measures in each record; e.g., current year and previous year values.

Wednesday, 4 September 2019

SOH: ABAP Code Remediation & Rules to be followed

While working for a Suite on HANA Migration Project, as an ABAPer I need to carry out the ‘Code Remediation’ activity & have to make some ABAP code changes to avoid the potential functional issues while migration to HANA.

Initially, I had referred many SAP Blogs & SAP Learning Hub Material before commencing my project activity. Now, with the experience from my work & reference from multiple SAP Blogs, I have  prepared list of guidelines to be followed while doing Remediation & Code changes. I am sharing the same.

Monday, 2 September 2019

Custom KPIs for Cross Project Overview and Multi Project Overview Fiori Applications


This Enhancement is used to extend Cross Project Overview Application and Multi Project Overview Application in SAP S/4HANA Commercial Project Management. Here, the purpose is to display below Custom KPIs

◈ ZCFA – Capex
◈ ZTNP – Transaction price