
Friday, 31 January 2020

How to analyze query performance for ABAP CDS Views


As you may know, ABAP CDS View is one of the important development objects in SAP S/4HANA, which supports multiple purposes including transactional or analytical applications. ABAP CDS Views leverage the power of the underlying HANA DB to boost the performance. However, sometimes the performance is not good enough and needs some fine tuning. There are already some very good blogs and documents out there.

Wednesday, 29 January 2020

Working with JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format in ABAP (Serialization – Deserialization)

This blog post will give an overview of working with JavaScript Object Notation (JSON). We will create JSON string output from the internal table and read JSON data as input in ABAP program. Nowadays JSON format preferred over XML format due to lightweight and simple syntax.

JSON consists of two-part information data first part as key fields (name attribute) and the second part as field value which separated by a colon “:”. This JSON output can be easily readable via any text edition or JSON viewer.

Tuesday, 28 January 2020

The New Client Copy Tool for S/4HANA #ASUG Webcast Recap

SAP ABAP Certifications, SAP ABAP Tutorial and Material, SAP ABAP Online Exam, SAP ABAP Prep

This was an ASUG webcast given last month.  It was a repeat of a session given at SAP TechEd Bangalore.  Special thanks to SAP’s Carine Tchoutouo Djomo for arranging this for ASUG.

Monday, 27 January 2020

SAP Solution Manager – Qualtrics Integration

X+O case for IT Service Management


Qualtrics is an experience management platform, which combines the experience data and operational data (X+O) and provides meaningful and deep insights into customer expectations, patterns and helps to improve satisfaction.

Sunday, 26 January 2020

Real-Time Open Order Calculation with S/4HANA CDS Views

Real-time open order calculation was always a challenge in R/3 due to slow DB. Developers had no choice but do calculations in ABAP layer with endless loops, if statements and interim tables / variables. With S/4HANA ABAP CDS Views game changing technology it is time to use set based SQL calculations and push calculations to HANA DB where they belong.

Saturday, 25 January 2020

ESS – Anatomy of the 2020 W-4 Webdynpro Application and Customization

Depending on your need, there may come a time where you must customize the standard ESS W4 Webdynpro application in some way. Very typical examples include:

◉ Remove the “delete” column from the list of infotype 0210 records. (many clients do not want to allow the employee to do this).

◉ Change the layout of the “detail” section for a inftype 0210 selected record.
Lucky me…..I got to do BOTH of these so I will talk about them as it comes up in this discussion.

Friday, 24 January 2020

Automating authority-check in Z/Y transactions

After some years, I’ve faced with a new project that could be a little bit boring, that were called “check user authorizations in Z transactions” in the security information sector, but in the end of the day, it was funny.

The number of Z transactions were higher than I expected, something like 1000 transactions, so after some thinking, I’ve found a “automatic” way to deal with it.

Thursday, 23 January 2020

Performance of Add & Aggregate vs Aggregate & Add in CDS Views


When implementing HANA models or CDS views, it is often required to calculate total values of multiple measures in each record and aggregate total values for specific record range. The question is whether we should add measures’ values first and then aggregate them or aggregate component measures first and then total their aggregated values.

Wednesday, 22 January 2020

BUS Screen Framework – Working with Tabstrips

This blog assumes an elementary knowledge of the BUS screen framework and some experience in working with tabstrip controls in classic dynpro screens. the short introduction above may well be helpful.

Let’s get started:

A dynpro screen contains the definition of the screen layout and flow logic expressed as screen modules.  However, when using the BUS framework, the implementation of the screen flow logic behaviour is realised using local classes inheriting from the global classes of the BUS screen framework.

Monday, 20 January 2020

How to retrieve the last character of a string in ABAP – definitive edition

Many of the resources we have on ABAP might be old, but they still frequently show up on top positions of search results. I encourage you to correct incorrect information you stumble upon, even many years later.

Here is my attempt to thoroughly solve a trivial problem I needed reminding about this week – retrieving the last character of a string.

Friday, 17 January 2020

Google Sheet API integration with ABAP (ABAP2GSheet) – Join to the GitHub Project

SAP ABAP Tutorials and Materials, SAP ABAP Guides, SAP ABAP Learning, SAP ABAP Online Exam, SAP ABAP Prep

Most business users are more confident in analyzing business data using one or more spreadsheets, sometimes linked together.

Wednesday, 15 January 2020

ABAP CDS recursive association using hierarchy


In this article, I will show a practical example of self-association in CDS. You will learn how to define a simple hierarchy in your CDS and how to consume it in your ABAP code.

Monday, 13 January 2020

Delete internal table contents while in debugging mode using new Debugger tools

Many a times we come across a situation in which we need to alter the contents of an internal table to reach out to a desired outcome. I also fell into the same situation while creating a POC (Proof of Concept).

Currently I was working on a POC for SCI reporting tool automation. For a particular use case, I needed the internal table to be empty. Doing that manually was a cumbersome process as it has over 1000+ number of records. After some research on internet, I stumbled upon the following outcome : ” Use ABAP New Debugger Tools“.

Friday, 10 January 2020

Object Oriented way of sending an email with PDF as an attachment


In this blog post too, you will learn how to send an email using object oriented way, but with a PDF as an attachment. The PDF in this case will  generated by a SMARTFORM.

Wednesday, 8 January 2020

Asynchronous Posting & Dumping of production versions XL Data


In this blog post, we’ll come to know that posting and downloading of production versions of material XL Data.

Posting the XL data into SAP was done using a Start immediately Update Function module CM_FV_PROD_VERS_DB_UPDATE from presentation layer and dumping the XL data from SAP into Presentation layer was done using a normal function module GUI_DOWNLOAD.

Monday, 6 January 2020

Display Xstring as PDF in Report


This blog helps you to display PDF using Xstring data from a report.



Goto Transaction SE38.

Friday, 3 January 2020

Consumption of CDS Views in Freestyle UI5 Applications


There has been the convenient option of creating CDS views in Eclipse and publishing them via annotation on the SAP Gateway since SAP Netweaver 7.4 SP05. Using the available templates in the SAP WebIDE, you can easily generate an interface for the CDS views. This creates a complete SAP Fiori application with just a few lines of code. But the disadvantages quickly become clear in the attempt to expand the application generated this way:

Wednesday, 1 January 2020

SAP Coverage Analyzer


What is Coverage Analyzer?

SAP Coverage Analyzer is a very powerful system-wide runtime analysis tool provided by SAP for collecting, monitoring and analyzing the code coverage of test suites such as Self tests, Unit tests, integration tests and Quality tests.