
Friday, 29 September 2023

Upload transport files from SAP


This blog is useful consultants/Admins/functional folks who can’t not have access to operating system to transfer cofiles and data files

This blog describes detailed steps “How to upload and download cofiles/data files directly from SAP” pretty useful. You don’t need to have access to OS.

How to Do: Download and upload Co-files/Data files (Transports) directly from SAP

Monday, 25 September 2023

Fiori PO Approver app Forward button customization from ECC backend

The first part of customization comes on the Forward Button. As per the approval matrix the approvers were maintained in the PPOME structure. The problem occurred when the approver was forwarding the PO to another approver. However, on clicking the Forward button it was displaying all the list of Users from SU01. This was creating a lot of confusion for the approvers. So the initial requirement came as to fix the list that was appearing on clicking the Forward Button.

I will be displaying the 2 possible approach for Forward Button customization from the Backend.

Saturday, 23 September 2023

Managing Updates to abapGit in Shared Development Systems

If you are using abapGit as a tool to facilitate your development processes you at some point have to decide on an update strategy for abapGit itself. Most likely you are only updating abapGit when a feature or bug fix is released that you need or file diffs are displayed that are related to format changes that you want to get rid off. (Or you feel guilty not having updated for a while…) This is a bit of a shame as new features are added all the time and keeping abapGit up-to-date from a technical perspective is extremely easy. There are no notes to implement, no support packages to import, no migrations to do and no dependencies to worry about. Issues rather arise because of processes and communication between teams regarding ongoing developments when you are sharing systems.

Friday, 22 September 2023

How to Navigate Within ABAP CDS Source Code and Between ABAP CDS Objects?

In this blog, I will describe how to …

◉ navigate within ABAP CDS source code,
◉ come to another  CDS/Dictionary object
◉ navigate within the ABAP CDS object you currently work on

… using ABAP development tools for Eclipse (ADT) a.k.a. ABAP in Eclipse.

Note: When I talk about objects, I mean CDS objects such as data definitions and/or relating ABAP Dictionary objects such as database tables, classic views and so on.

Wednesday, 20 September 2023

New Debugger options


The New Debugger is a tool that helps technical consultants execute the program line by line or module by module. It stops the program to check the logic, identify errors, analyze the issue, understand the concept, etc. It has many more options compared to the old debugger. We will see some of the uncommon features that are helpful to the developers and functional consultants in their analysis.

If you want to analyze the program’s data flow, then you need to debug the program. To enable or start the debugger, enter “/h” or “/H” in the command area of SAP.

Monday, 11 September 2023

Delta loading in SAP Datasphere based on the ABAP CDS view

In applications where there is a high volume of data creation, changes, and deletion happens, such as sales orders, it is crucial for the application to have a mechanism that provides delta records and for the extractor that needs to provide delta loading. This means that the application should be able to identify and extract only the new, modified or deleted data, ensuring efficient and accurate data loading.

In some of the cases nightly full uploads are not what we exactly want, as time windows for data extractions are limited. Solution for that is coming with ODP framework.

Friday, 8 September 2023

Radio Buttons In SAP Build Apps


SAP Build is an extensive development suite that offers simple and efficient low-code/no-code solutions for developing software, automating tasks, and building business websites. The suite is made up of three essential tools: SAP Build Apps, SAP Build Process Automation, and SAP Build Work Zone.

SAP Build Apps allows users to create applications with ease, from simple to complex, using its low-code architecture. This means that extensive coding knowledge or experience is not required.

Saturday, 2 September 2023

ALV IDA Using CDS View Long Text using (Calculation Field)

Mostly people facing problem to how to use long text using function module, Call class in CDS while creating ALV IDA from CDS View. In this blog I will share my knowledge of ALV IDA Using CDS View and ALV IDA Calculation field (Mostly is used for virial element). Using Calculation Field in this blog I am going to display Long Text and Other Field

In this blog I will focus on below points.

1. Create CDS View (Generic) with 2 or 3 fields.
2. Create class with interface calculation field.
3. Long Text working in method
4. Creation of ALV IDA Program