
Monday 21 November 2016

Create Fiori app using CDS with BOPF- For beginners Part 2

This blog is on continuation to  Part 1.

In this part we shall create the BOPF action and display the sale order scenario in the Fiori App using Smart Template.

For the BOPF action, go to BOPF Business Object ZDEMO_I_SALESORDER  from Tcode BOBX. Click on change mode. Under the Node Elements, traverse to node ZDEMO_I_SALESORDER and select Action element. Right Click on Action and Click “Create”.

Create Fiori app using CDS with BOPF- For beginners Part 2

Create Fiori app using CDS with BOPF- For beginners Part 2

Go to Class Builder and create the class ZCL_A-DEMO_SALESORDER.

Create Fiori app using CDS with BOPF- For beginners Part 2

Create Fiori app using CDS with BOPF- For beginners Part 2

Implement the method Execute.

Create Fiori app using CDS with BOPF- For beginners Part 2

Create Fiori app using CDS with BOPF- For beginners Part 2

Save and Activate. Below is code for Action. Basically the code reads the selected sales order and then change the corresponding BOPF node instance with the new lifecycle status value.

  method /bobf/if_frw_action~execute.

    case is_ctx-act_key.

        "Action - Set overall status
      when zif_demo_i_salesorder_c=>sc_action-zdemo_i_salesorder-set_lifecycle_status_to_paid.
        " Get output structure of Action
        data(lt_sales_order) = value ztdemo_i_salesorder( ).

        "Read UI clicked sale order
            iv_node                 =  is_ctx-node_key   " BO Node Name
            it_key                  =  it_key            " BO Key
            et_data                 =  lt_sales_order ).   " Data Return Structure

        "Assuming single instance for a action
        read table lt_sales_order assigning field-symbol(<fs_sales_order>) index 1.
        if sy-subrc = 0.
          "Set the over all status to Paid ie 'P'
          if <fs_sales_order>-lifecyclestatus is initial.
            <fs_sales_order>-lifecyclestatus  = 'P'.

        "Now update the BO instance
            iv_node           = is_ctx-node_key    " Node
            iv_key            = <fs_sales_order>-key    " Key
            iv_root_key       = <fs_sales_order>-root_key     " NodeID
            is_data           = ref #( <fs_sales_order>-node_data )    " Data
            it_changed_fields = value #(
                                ( zif_demo_i_salesorder_c=>sc_node_attribute-zdemo_i_salesorder-lifecyclestatus ) )

        et_data = lt_sales_order.

      when others.



Okay we are done with all the backend stuff.

Lets display this using as Fiori App using Smart Template.

If all the Web IDE set up explained in Part 1 is fine, we can proceed. Go to Web IDE.  Click on File.

Create Fiori app using CDS with BOPF- For beginners Part 2

Click on File –> New –> Project from template

Create Fiori app using CDS with BOPF- For beginners Part 2

On next screen, Select Service Catalog. Click on the dropdown and select your backend system.

Create Fiori app using CDS with BOPF- For beginners Part 2

Once the backend system is selected, OData services in the system are listed. Look for our OData generated service  ZDEMO_C_SALESPRDER_CDS  ie <final consump CDS view>_CDS

Create Fiori app using CDS with BOPF- For beginners Part 2

Select the Odata service. Click on Show details to check if the OData is up and running

Create Fiori app using CDS with BOPF- For beginners Part 2

Here we see the OData service is running fine.

Create Fiori app using CDS with BOPF- For beginners Part 2

Click on Next. In the Next screen the system will read and the OData service metadata file and also the CDS Annotations file(final consumption CDS). These are necessary to display the app.

The annotations in the final consumption CDS view (ZDEMO_C_SALESORDER) contain the UI line position which shall form the basis for field positioning in the app. 

Create Fiori app using CDS with BOPF- For beginners Part 2

Click Next. In OData collection, select the consumption view(where OData was published). Our final consumption view has an association to Item. Hence here the OData navigation refers to “_item”.

Create Fiori app using CDS with BOPF- For beginners Part 2

Click Next or Finish and its done !

Create Fiori app using CDS with BOPF- For beginners Part 2

The project name is visible under the workspace. Right click on the project. Click Run as -> Web Application

Create Fiori app using CDS with BOPF- For beginners Part 2

If prompted, choose flp sandbox.html. These are used to for test data basically.

Create Fiori app using CDS with BOPF- For beginners Part 2

Click Ok. If prompted, for login credentials, enter the backend system details. Finally the app icon is displayed in the Catalog Tile.

Create Fiori app using CDS with BOPF- For beginners Part 2

Click on the App. If prompted for the login credentials, enter the back-end system details.

Click on Go in the app to display the sales order records.

Create Fiori app using CDS with BOPF- For beginners Part 2

Select the record by selecting the radio button and clicking. The navigation happens to the detail screen.

Create Fiori app using CDS with BOPF- For beginners Part 2

Click on Edit. For example, lets update the Gross Amount and click on Save.

Create Fiori app using CDS with BOPF- For beginners Part 2

The Gross amount value is edited to 3500 INR.  Click Save.  

“Object saved” message appears.  Go back to previous app page.

The new Gross amount is reflected here.

Create Fiori app using CDS with BOPF- For beginners Part 2

The Edit is excuted in BOPF via CDS and the particular BOPF node instance is edited. This is achieved as we have given the create/update/delete enabled in the final consumption CDS which delegates to the Basic CDS and then to BOPF.

Create Fiori app using CDS with BOPF- For beginners Part 2

Create a new record.

In the basic CDS ZDEMO_I_SALESORDER, we have maintained the annotation @objectmodel.create enabled: true which means the create logic is taken care by BOPF.

Click on + icon in the app to create a new sales header record.

Enter the values and click on Save.

Create Fiori app using CDS with BOPF- For beginners Part 2

An object saved message appears. The record is saved. Go to previous page and see the newly created record.

Create Fiori app using CDS with BOPF- For beginners Part 2

The delete icon works the same way. Just select an record and click on delete.

Change the sales order Lifecycle status

Select an sales order which has initial status and click on icon “Set Lifecycle Status to Paid”. The code which we have written for the BOPF Action is triggered and the status is changed to P.

Create Fiori app using CDS with BOPF- For beginners Part 2

Lifecycle status has changed to P(Paid)

Create Fiori app using CDS with BOPF- For beginners Part 2

The same technique can be used for SAP Standard tables.  Below is an quick example of using Standard tables VBAK and VBAP.

Basic Sales Order header CDS

Create Fiori app using CDS with BOPF- For beginners Part 2

Basic Sales Order Item CDS

Create Fiori app using CDS with BOPF- For beginners Part 2

And here are corresponding BOPF objects generated using the CDS annotations.

Create Fiori app using CDS with BOPF- For beginners Part 2

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