
Thursday 13 July 2017

Decimal Shift & Decimal Shift Back in CURRENCY_CONVERSION an Example

Below example explains the use of parameter DECIMAL_SHIFT and DECIMAL_SHIFT_BACK in CDS function CURRENCY_CONVERSION (ABAP 7.40).

First let us understand what does Standard definition says:

DECIMAL_SHIFT–  If the value “X”  is passed to the parameter decimal_shift, the value passed is multiplied by 10 to the power of two minus the number of decimal places of the source currency before it is converted.

DECIMAL_SHIFT_BACK–  If the value “X”  is passed to the parameter decimal_shift_back, the result is divided by 10 to the power of two minus the number of decimal places of the target currency before it is converted.

But how its linked to each other (currency exchange rates/ Decimal)

Exchange rates are stored in table TCURR , Decimal in currency gets stored in TCURX (Below values in the example tables can be different , its created for example purpose)

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Below CDS view has been defined to apply conversion over DEMO_PRICES table

Demo_Prices table data:
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in this example target currency is USD only, even though we can take input via parameter also.

Case 1- Without Rounding , DECIMAL_SHIFT is On, DECIMAL_SHIFT_BACK is OFF

lets check the output

means in rounding pass ‘ ‘, DECIMAL_SHIFT will be ‘X’ and DECIMAL_SHIFT_BACK will be ‘ ‘

Output :

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Amount = 1 . From EUR to USD Exchange rate as per table- EUR = USD * 2

Decimal shift is on so value passed*10 power(2 – number of decimal in source currency)

Value passed = 1*10^(2-0) = 100

Now apply Exchange = 100 * 2 = 200
Amount = 1 . From GBP to USD Exchange rate as per table-  GBP = USD * 1.6

Decimal shift is on so value passed*10 power(2 – num of decimal in source currency)

Value passed = 1*10^(2-0) = 100

Now apply Exchange = 100 * 1.6 = 160
Amount = 1 . From JPY to USD Exchange rate as per table-  JPY = USD / 114.75

Decimal shift is on so value passed*10 power(2 – num of decimal in source currency)

Value passed = 1*10^(2-0) = 100

Now apply Exchange = 100 / 114.75 = 0.87
Amount = 1 . From USD to USD Exchange rate as per table-  USD = USD * 1

Decimal shift is on so value passed*10 power(2 – number of decimal in source currency)

Value passed = 1*10^(2-0) = 100

Now apply Exchange = 100 * 1 = 100
Amount = 12345 . From USDN to USD Exchange rate as per table-  USDN = USD / 1

Decimal shift is on so value passed*10 power(2 – number of decimal in source currency)

Value passed = 12345*10^(2-5) = 12345*10^-3 = 12.345

Now apply Exchange = 12.345/1 = 12.345

Same for amount 54321 

Case 2-  With Rounding , DECIMAL_SHIFT is On, DECIMAL_SHIFT_BACK is OFF

Rounding is X, Decimal_shift = ‘X’ & decimal_shift_back = ‘ ‘

in the output Rounding will be done

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Case 3-  Without Rounding , DECIMAL_SHIFT is On, DECIMAL_SHIFT_BACK is On

Rounding = ‘ ‘, Decimal_shift & shift_back  is ‘X’


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Target currency – Decimal 0 (in table USD has 0 decimal)

Amount = 1 . From EUR to USD Exchange rate as per table- EUR = USD * 2
Decimal shift is on so value passed*10 power(2 – num of decimal in source currency)
Value passed = 1*10^(2-0) = 100
Now Exchange = 100 * 2 = 200
Result / 10 power(2- Num of decimal in target currency)
Result = 200 / (10^(2-0)) = 2
Amount = 1 . From GBP to USD Exchange rate as per table- GBP = USD * 1.6
Decimal shift is on so value passed*10 power(2 – num of decimal in source currency)
Value passed = 1*10^(2-0) = 100
Now Exchange = 100 * 1.6 = 160
Result = 160 / (10^(2-0)) = 1.60
Amount = 1 . From JPY to USD Exchange rate as per table- JPY = USD / 114.75
Decimal shift is on so value passed*10 power(2 – num of decimal in source currency)
Value passed = 1*10^(2-0) = 100
Now Exchange = 100 / 114.75 = 0.87
Result = 0.87/(10^(2-0)) = 0.087 for 2 decimal digit it is 0.01
Amount = 1 . From USD to USD Exchange rate as per table- USD = USD * 1
Decimal shift is on so value passed*10 power(2 – num of decimal in source currency)
Value passed = 1*10^(2-0) = 100
Now Exchange = 100 * 1 = 100
Amount = 12345 . From USDN to USD Exchange rate as per table- USDN = USD / 1
Decimal shift is on so value passed*10 power(2 – num of decimal in source currency)
Value passed = 12345*10^(2-5) = 12345*10^-3 = 12.345
Now Exchange = 12.345/1 = 12.345
Same for amount 54321
Result = 12.35/(10^(2-0)) = 0.12
Similar for amount 54321

Case 4- With Rounding , DECIMAL_SHIT is On, DECIMAL_SHIFT_BACK is On

Rounding = ‘X’, decimal_shift & shift_back = ‘X’
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I hope above simple example will clear the doubts in using decimal_shift & decimal_shift_back.

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