
Thursday, 6 December 2018

Understanding basic HR modules for ABAPERS

Overview of HR-ABAP Programming

  • The aim of the HR module is to be able to process employee related data according to business requirements in an effective structure.
  • The human resource module maintains the data in a standard structure that is nothing but an info type.
  • HCM consist of many modules, some of the main modules are:
    • Organizational Management (OM)
    • Personnel Administration (PA)
    • Time management(TM)
    • Payroll(PY)
  • Logical database (LDBs) are mainly used in the HR Programming.
  • Instead of Select.. we use some ROUTINES and PROVIDE..ENDPROVIDE.. etc
  • In the case of Payroll we use Clusters and we Import and Export them for data fetching.
Concept of Infotype

◈ Infotype is nothing but units of Information, it is used to maintain HR master data in the structured format.

◈ It is a four digit identifier, for example, address info type PA0006 in the database table. We can save the info types as time-dependent.

◈ It represents a group of related fields, facilitates data entry and allows time-dependent storage. Each info type has a database table associated with it.

Infotype number ranges

0000 ——————0999 are HR master data info types

1000——————1999 are HR planning data info types

2000——————2999 are HR time data info types

9000——————9999 are used for the custom info types

Time constraints

It enables you to determine how the validity period of infotype data records interact.

Time constraint 1:

◈ Exactly one valid data record of the infotype for the entire time that the employee belongs to the enterprise. The record must have no gaps and no overlappings.
◈ Example: 0000,0001,0002

Time constraint2:

◈ No more than one valid data record of the infotype at any one time record may include gaps, no overlappings
◈ Example:0021 Family Member/Dependents, 0017 travel privileges

Time constraint3:

◈ Any number of valid data records of the infotype at any one time record may include gaps and can exist more than once in the same time
◈ Example: 0022 education infotype

Infotype creation

Developing custom Infotype includes following steps :

◈ Create PS Structure using T-code PM01.
◈ Generate other required components.
◈ Maintaining Technical Attributes for the Infotype.
◈ Maintaining Infotype Characteristics
◈ Test the Infotype in PA30.

Step by step procedure for developing custom infotype

1) Go to PM01

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2) Enter the Infotype number.

Select the PS structure, click on Edit  

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3) Define the structure Name for your Infotype, enter the structure Fields which is required.

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4) Maintain Enhancement Category

Now select the can be enhanced (character-type-or numeric), click on copy button Click save

Check and Activate.

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6) Generate Objects

Now go back to PM01 Initial Screen and select the generate objects button.

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7) Maintain Infotype attributes

After completion of generate objects click on Edit button, after click on


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8) Infotype attribute details

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9) Technical attributes

Now maintain the Technical attributes. Click on Edit button

Then click on position button on the resulting screen enter the infotype number and click continue button then click on show details.

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Click Save , Check & Activate

10) Test your Infotype

Now run the Infotype by PA30 We will find the below screen.

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11) Arrange the fields in order

To modify the layout of the screen go to the Transaction code PM01 and enter the Infotype


Select the radio button option of the screen gives 2000 click on Edit.

Now we will see the screen Painter T code SE51

Select the layout editor and change option. Repeat for all fields

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Maintain additional steps for creating subtype for the Infotype.

From the technical attributes

Now pass subtype field subtype table and subtype table text details in next screen and save it .

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Now need to maintain the subtype field for Infotype .in table V_T591A

Execute T –code SM31 and enter the infotype number in the popup  box

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click on new entries and maintain subtypes 

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Now save the values.

Now the Infotype with subtype is ready to use.

To have a first look go to transaction code PA30.

Now enter the Infotype number, and select the subtype.

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