
Wednesday 16 October 2019

Alternative to “discover” Workflow executions coming from FIORI MyInbox and SBWP

In this Blog i’m gonna show you a alternative to a “common” question among the community: How do i know if a Workflow was executed coming from FIORI MyInbox or SBWP?

Well, there are a few ways to do that… This is one of them, a “coding” approach.

So let’s get to it!

I’ve created a simple Workflow that looks like this:

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As you can see, a simples decision task, following by a condition check and 2 message actions.

On the decision task, just a simple decision:

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Created a variable called GV_FIORI on the Workflow Container, it will receive a X when executed from FIORI.

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So here, i’m checking if there is a X to it, it’s from FIORI, if not it was SBWP.

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The FIORI Send mail action:

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The SBWP Send mail action:

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Our Workflow is all set!

Now, to be able to “know” if a Workflow came from FIORI, we have to implement the /IWWRK/BADI_WF_BEFORE_UPD_IB BADI. This BADI get’s executed only when it comes from a FIORI Call, so inside of it we’ll place our code to deliver a X on the GV_FIORI container variable of the Workflow process. So now the WF instance can be aware where it came from…

So i’ve created a implementation

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Placed my Workflow ID and step ID on the filter:

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So now let’s implement the method:

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Place the code below on it:

method /iwwrk/if_wf_wi_before_upd_ib~before_update.
  data: lt_cont type table of swr_cont,
        ls_root type swwwihead,
        ls_cont type swr_cont.

  "Get the parent Workitem...
  call function 'SWI_GET_ROOT_WORKITEM'
      wi_id                   = is_wi_details-wi_id
      root_item               = ls_root
      workitem_does_not_exist = 1
      others                  = 2.
  if sy-subrc <> 0.
    "Place the error message on the CT_RETURN...
    "Write data to the variable
    ls_cont-element = 'GV_FIORI'.
    ls_cont-value   = 'X'.
    append ls_cont to lt_cont.
    "Write variable back to the Container...
    call function 'SAP_WAPI_WRITE_CONTAINER'
        workitem_id      = ls_root-wi_id
        simple_container = lt_cont.


So now we’re all set! Start a few Workflows, and execute from SBWP and MyInbox app, you’ll see the below results:

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