
Friday 7 August 2020

Logic of default attribute at Dispute Case creation screen

Users can create a dispute case in the FI document display mode like FB03 or FBL5N by including the document displayed in the dispute case and assign the dispute case to a processor. Dispute case attributes like Processor and Responsible person will be populated automatically at the creation screen, it’s SAP standard.

In this article, I will show the key function module been used to fetch those dispute attributes to better understanding the FSCM mechanism and answer user query or enhancement preparation.

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Key functions involved in dispute creation

The Function Code triggered at PAI(User command) for the dispute case creation button at FBL5N is ‘ +CUS05‘.

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The main function module to create a dispute case is: “FDM_AR_DOC_DISPUTE_BUILD”. It will use FUNCTION ‘FDM_AR_DOC_UI_PREPARE’ to get a dispute data from UI (for current example which is FBL5N) as lt_dispute_data_ui and put it into FM: ‘FDM_AR_DOC_UI_PERFORM’ to fetch other attributes like the processor.

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Inside FM: ‘FDM_AR_DOC_UI_PERFORM’, it calls another key FM: “FDM_AR_UI_DISPUTE_CREATE” to decide to create a new dispute or copy from another dispute.

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Here gs_cdis_dispute–dispute_ref is an object refer to class cl_dispute_data_ui. It has one attribute called GS_DISPUTE contains Data for the UI Create/Change Disputes in AR. It refers to structure FDM_AR_DISPUTE_UI.

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Logic to fetch Dispute attributes like processor

The field attribute is a table type that contains all the attributes value and populated by method “CONSTRUCTOR” of cl_dispute_data_ui. You can find it stored at ls_dispute_data at FM: FDM_AR_UI_DISPUTE_CREATE.

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Here we can find the big FM ‘FDM_AR_CUST_GET_ALL_DEFAULTS’ to get attributes including case type, Category, Status, Reason code, Priority, External Reference, Processor, Coordinator, Responsible, planned end date, Case Title, etc.

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Take the field ‘processor’ as an example it uses function module  ‘FDM_AR_CUST_GET_DEF_PROCESSOR’ to fetch default processor.

◉ get the accounting clerk number from KNB1/LFB1 by BP number and company code accordingly;
◉ get the user name from T001S as a processor by company code and accounting clerk number.

Also, we can find the BADI: FDM_AR_DEF_PROCESSOR(Customer-defined default values for the processor) will be check and called if implemented.

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