
Monday 14 December 2020

Reports with CL_SALV_TABLE

This time we’re going to make a report using the CL_SALV_TABLE class to create a grid with data.

This object is very useful and easy to use that you could make reports preparing first the data and finally exporting it to CL_SALV_TABLE.

It is also possible to it color la cells, rows and columns and it is even possible to make editable cells to enter data.

CL_SALV_TABLE includes toolbar and events where you can make calculations, save date and make a very interactive report.

Here is code the complete code.

report  zcl_alv_table.

tables: mara.

types: begin of ty_material,

        matnr type matnr,

        maktx type maktx,

       end of ty_material.

data it_material type standard table of ty_material.


*       CLASS cl_handler DEFINITION




class cl_handler definition.

  public section.

    methods on_double_click for event double_click of cl_salv_events_table

             importing row column.

endclass.                    "cl_handler DEFINITION


*       CLASS cl_handler IMPLEMENTATION




class cl_handler implementation.

  method on_double_click.

    data: wa_st_data type ty_material, lv_count type i.

    if column eq 'MATNR'.

      read table it_material into wa_st_data index row.

* Check that material exists

      select count( * ) into lv_count from mara up to 1 rows where matnr eq wa_st_data-matnr.

      if lv_count > 0. " Exists?

* Load parameters

        set parameter id 'MXX' field 'K'. " Default view

        set parameter id 'MAT' field wa_st_data-matnr. " Material number

        call transaction 'MM03' and skip first screen.

      else. " No ?

        data err type string.

        call function 'CONVERSION_EXIT_ALPHA_OUTPUT'


            input  = wa_st_data-matnr


            output = wa_st_data-matnr.

        concatenate `Material ` wa_st_data-matnr ` does not exist.` into err.

        message err type 'I' display like 'E'.



      message text-002 type 'I'. " Invalid cell


  endmethod.                    "on_double_click

endclass.                    "cl_handler IMPLEMENTATION

selection-screen: begin of block b1 with frame title text-001.

select-options: s_matnr for mara-matnr.

selection-screen: end of block b1.


  perform retrieve_data.

  perform display.


*&      Form  get_data


*       text


form retrieve_data.

  select matnr maktx from makt up to 100 rows " Retrieve only 100 records

    into table it_material

    where matnr in s_matnr and spras eq sy-langu.

endform.                    "get_data


*&      Form  display


*       text


form display.

  data: l_gr_alv type ref to cl_salv_table, " Variables for ALV properties

        l_gr_functions type ref to cl_salv_functions_list.

  data: lv_event_handler type ref to cl_handler, " Variables for events

        lv_events type ref to cl_salv_events_table.

  data: lr_grid type ref to cl_salv_form_layout_grid, " Variables for header

        lr_layout type ref to cl_salv_form_layout_logo,

        cr_content type ref to cl_salv_form_element,

        lv_title type string,

        rows type string.

  data: gr_layout type ref to cl_salv_layout, " Variables for enabling Save button

        key type salv_s_layout_key.

  data: lv_display type ref to cl_salv_display_settings. " Variable for layout settings

  data: lr_selections type ref to cl_salv_selections, " Variables for selection mode and column properties

        lr_columns type ref to cl_salv_columns,

        lr_column  type ref to cl_salv_column_table.

* Create the ALV object


      call method cl_salv_table=>factory


          r_salv_table = l_gr_alv


          t_table      = it_material.

    catch cx_salv_msg.


* Let's show all default buttons of ALV

  l_gr_functions = l_gr_alv->get_functions( ).

  l_gr_functions->set_all( abap_true ).

* Fit the columns

  lr_columns = l_gr_alv->get_columns( ).

  lr_columns->set_optimize( 'X' ).

* Create header

  describe table it_material lines rows.

  concatenate 'Number of rows: ' rows into lv_title separated by space.

  create object lr_grid.

  create object lr_layout.

  lr_grid->create_label( row = 1 column = 1 text = lv_title tooltip = lv_title ).

  lr_layout->set_left_content( lr_grid ).

  cr_content = lr_layout.

  l_gr_alv->set_top_of_list( cr_content ).

* Apply zebra style to rows

  lv_display = l_gr_alv->get_display_settings( ).

  lv_display->set_striped_pattern( cl_salv_display_settings=>true ).

* Enable the save layout buttons

  key-report = sy-repid.

  gr_layout = l_gr_alv->get_layout( ).

  gr_layout->set_key( key ).

  gr_layout->set_save_restriction( if_salv_c_layout=>restrict_none ).

  gr_layout->set_default( abap_true ).

* Register events

  lv_events = l_gr_alv->get_event( ).

  create object lv_event_handler.

  set handler lv_event_handler->on_double_click for lv_events.

* Enable cell selection mode

  lr_selections = l_gr_alv->get_selections( ).

  lr_selections->set_selection_mode( if_salv_c_selection_mode=>row_column ).


      lr_column ?= lr_columns->get_column( 'MAKTX' ). " Find the 'MAKTX' column ans change attributes

      lr_column->set_visible( if_salv_c_bool_sap=>true ).

      lr_column->set_long_text( 'MyTitle' ).

      lr_column->set_medium_text( 'MyTitle' ).

      lr_column->set_short_text( 'MyTitle' ).

    catch cx_salv_not_found.

    catch cx_salv_existing.

    catch cx_salv_data_error.


  l_gr_alv->display( ).

endform.                    "display

First, we define a global structure to store the data we are going to show in the ALV.

tables: mara.

types: begin of ty_material,

        matnr type matnr,

        maktx type maktx,

       end of ty_material.

data it_material type standard table of ty_material.

Second step. We define a ‘handler’ class whose purpose is to control the double click event. In the class definition, we code the signature of the event double click and, in the implementation, we code the action or process that we want to happen when the event is raised.


*       CLASS cl_handler DEFINITION




class cl_handler definition.

  public section.

    methods on_double_click for event double_click of cl_salv_events_table

             importing row column.

endclass.                    "cl_handler DEFINITION


*       CLASS cl_handler IMPLEMENTATION




class cl_handler implementation.

  method on_double_click.

    data: wa_st_data type ty_material, lv_count type i.

    if column eq 'MATNR'.

      read table it_material into wa_st_data index row.

* Check that material exists

      select count( * ) into lv_count from mara up to 1 rows where matnr eq wa_st_data-matnr.

      if lv_count > 0. " Exists?

* Load parameters

        set parameter id 'MXX' field 'K'. " Default view

        set parameter id 'MAT' field wa_st_data-matnr. " Material number

        call transaction 'MM03' and skip first screen.

      else. " No ?

        data err type string.

        call function 'CONVERSION_EXIT_ALPHA_OUTPUT'


            input  = wa_st_data-matnr


            output = wa_st_data-matnr.

        concatenate `Material ` wa_st_data-matnr ` does not exist.` into err.

        message err type 'I' display like 'E'.



      message text-002 type 'I'. " Invalid cell


  endmethod.                    "on_double_click

endclass.                    "cl_handler IMPLEMENTATION

In this case, we will execute transaction ‘MM03’ and we will send the material code. Here we make sure that the parameter ‘column’ is ‘MATNR’, which is from the structure ‘ty_material’ that we defined at the beginning of this program.

Then we verify that the material exists seeking it at table ‘MARA’. MARA is a standard table that stores the materials data.

If the material exists then the next step is to load the transaction settings in memory and finally execute it.

Otherwise, we show a message in the screen to indicate that material doesn’t exist.

Third step: Create the input screen. We have only one parameter; ‘s_matnr’. S_MATNR is a SELECT-OPTIONS structure where we can specify diverse criteria in order to use it in a SQL statement or at internal tables.

selection-screen: begin of block b1 with frame title text-001.

select-options: s_matnr for mara-matnr.

selection-screen: end of block b1.


  perform retrieve_data.

  perform display.

Fourth step: We then code the forms ‘retrieve_data’ and ‘display’.


*&      Form  get_data


*       text


form retrieve_data.

  select matnr maktx from makt up to 100 rows " Retrieve only 100 records

    into table it_material

    where matnr in s_matnr and spras eq sy-langu.

endform.                    "get_data

For example purposes, we’ll limit 100 max rows of the MARA table in the ‘retrieve_data’ form.


*&      Form  display


*       text


form display.

  data: l_gr_alv type ref to cl_salv_table, " Variables for ALV properties

        l_gr_functions type ref to cl_salv_functions_list.

  data: lv_event_handler type ref to cl_handler, " Variables for events

        lv_events type ref to cl_salv_events_table.

  data: lr_grid type ref to cl_salv_form_layout_grid, " Variables for header

        lr_layout type ref to cl_salv_form_layout_logo,

        cr_content type ref to cl_salv_form_element,

        lv_title type string,

        rows type string.

  data: gr_layout type ref to cl_salv_layout, " Variables for enabling Save button

        key type salv_s_layout_key.

  data: lv_display type ref to cl_salv_display_settings. " Variable for layout settings

  data: lr_selections type ref to cl_salv_selections, " Variables for selection mode and column properties

        lr_columns type ref to cl_salv_columns,

        lr_column  type ref to cl_salv_column_table.

* Create the ALV object


      call method cl_salv_table=>factory


          r_salv_table = l_gr_alv


          t_table      = it_material.

    catch cx_salv_msg.


* Let's show all default buttons of ALV

  l_gr_functions = l_gr_alv->get_functions( ).

  l_gr_functions->set_all( abap_true ).

* Fit the columns

  lr_columns = l_gr_alv->get_columns( ).

  lr_columns->set_optimize( 'X' ).

* Create header

  describe table it_material lines rows.

  concatenate 'Number of rows: ' rows into lv_title separated by space.

  create object lr_grid.

  create object lr_layout.

  lr_grid->create_label( row = 1 column = 1 text = lv_title tooltip = lv_title ).

  lr_layout->set_left_content( lr_grid ).

  cr_content = lr_layout.

  l_gr_alv->set_top_of_list( cr_content ).

* Apply zebra style to rows

  lv_display = l_gr_alv->get_display_settings( ).

  lv_display->set_striped_pattern( cl_salv_display_settings=>true ).

* Enable the save layout buttons

  key-report = sy-repid.

  gr_layout = l_gr_alv->get_layout( ).

  gr_layout->set_key( key ).

  gr_layout->set_save_restriction( if_salv_c_layout=>restrict_none ).

  gr_layout->set_default( abap_true ).

* Register events

  lv_events = l_gr_alv->get_event( ).

  create object lv_event_handler.

  set handler lv_event_handler->on_double_click for lv_events.

* Enable cell selection mode

  lr_selections = l_gr_alv->get_selections( ).

  lr_selections->set_selection_mode( if_salv_c_selection_mode=>row_column ).


      lr_column ?= lr_columns->get_column( 'MAKTX' ). " Find the 'MAKTX' column ans change attributes

      lr_column->set_visible( if_salv_c_bool_sap=>true ).

      lr_column->set_long_text( 'MyTitle' ).

      lr_column->set_medium_text( 'MyTitle' ).

      lr_column->set_short_text( 'MyTitle' ).

    catch cx_salv_not_found.

    catch cx_salv_existing.

    catch cx_salv_data_error.


  l_gr_alv->display( ).

endform.                    "display

The ‘display’ form is going to show the data in the ALV where we define several settings that are documented in the code itself. Just copy and paste it and try it.

An interesting property about CL_SALV_TABLE is that even though you order or filter the grid the internal table ‘it_material’ reorganizes itself, so the ‘double_click’ event will always be accurate to load the selected material.

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