
Monday 2 August 2021

Connecting from SAP Business Application Studio to SAP ABAP Environment in BTP

This post will cover setting up a connection between SAP BTP ABAP Environment and Business Application Studio.

SAP Business Application Studio (BAS) is a new SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP) service that offers a modern development environment tailored for the efficient development of business applications for the SAP Intelligent Enterprise.

In this blog, we will use the Trial account where I will walk you through the steps on how you can use a Booster to Automate the Setup and create a Fiori application. If you have created an instance and service key already? you can skip step 1

You may find a few of the steps redundant or would have seen in other blogs, I wanted to be as detailed as possible to help step by step to connect BAS and SAP ABAP in BTP. Each step heading is self-explanatory, choose the one relevant to you

A booster is a set of guided interactive steps that enable you to select, configure, and consume services on SAP BTP.

Let’s get started!

I assume you already have access to your Trial account in SAP BTP and you have created a subaccount and space. If not, follow this guide before proceeding further.

Step 1: Booster to Automate the Setup of the ABAP Environment:

Log on to the SAP BTP trial cockpit and click Go to Your Trial Account.

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From your global account page, on the left side, choose Boosters.

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Search the Prepare an Account for ABAP Trial tile and press Start to start your booster. If you already created a service instance and service key, then please skip this step

Note: Only one service instance can be created at a time.

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The service instance and service key is created for the ABAP trial user. You will get the below pop up after successful execution.

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To view the instance and service key, Click on the “Go to Instance” link from the above pop-up


Go to your subaccount -> Select Instances and Subscriptions from the left menu

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Step 2: Create ABAP cloud project

This step is to create a cloud project in ABAP Development Tool (Eclipse) and add your trial account.

Open your ABAP Development tool from Eclipse.

To create an ABAP Cloud project, open the Eclipse, select File > New > ABAP Cloud Project. 

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You will get a pop up as below, choose SAP BTP Cloud Foundry Environment > Next

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Choose your SAP BTP Cloud Foundry Environment Region (e.g: Europe(Frankfurt))  > Enter Email and Password > Next

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Select your Organization (In this case, Trial) > Space (dev) > and service instance > Next

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Note: The service instance is “default_abap-trial” when you use the ABAP trial booster on SAP BTP. If you create a manual instance, use your own instance name.

Click Open Logon Page in the Browser button. Enter credentials if necessary, you will get the below success message

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Go back to ADT > Click Finish

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You can see that the Trial system appears on the project explorer.

Step 3: Check the Destination

In your, BTP Subaccount Go to Destinations under Connectivity

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You will see a destination created with the name “abap-cloud-default_abap-trial-0ca59b7dtrial-dev”

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It has all the details URL, Client Id, a Client secret to additional properties.

In case you want to set up the destination manually, here are the steps:

Go to Instances and Subscriptions > select your ABAP instance -> Click on ‘>’

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Copy the below details from your service key:


Under uaa copy : Client ID, Client Secret, and URL(this will be the Token Service URL)

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Click create destination and enter the below details:

Name: Enter a name of your choice

Type: HTTP

Description: Enter a meaningful description

URL: enter the URL copied from the service key

Proxy type: Internet


Client ID & Client Secret: Enter the client id and secret copied from the service key

Token Service URL Type: Dedicated

Token Service URL: Enter the URL which was under uaa in the service key. add “oauth/token” at the end of the link.

For example: in my case, the Token Service URL is:

Additional Properties:

HTML5.DynamicDestination: true

HTML5.Timeout : 60000

WebIDEEnabled: true

WebIDEUsage: odata_abap,dev_abap,abap_cloud (for further information on the WebIDEUsage property values )

Save the changes

Lastly, check the connection by clicking on the “Check Connection” button. You should see success the message as below.

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Step 4: Set Up SAP Business Application Studio for Development

From SAP BTP, navigate to the security > Trust Configuration > Click on Default identity provider on the subaccount overview page

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Enter your email id and click on “Show assignments”

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Look for the “Business_Application_Studio_Developer” role. If it is not there, continue, otherwise, you may skip the below two sub-step

To add the role: click on the Assign Role Collection 

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Search Business_Application_Studio_Developer > Select > Click Assign role collection

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Go to Service Marketplace and search for SAP Business Application Studio

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If not created, click on create button to launch the wizard for subscribing to SAP Business Application Studio. and click on Go to Application.

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You will be navigated to a new tab, SAP Business application Studio Loads.

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Step 5: Create a Dev Space

Click on “Create Dev Space” button > Select SAP Fiori > Enter your dev space name > Click on Create Dev Space

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When your status is Running, select your dev space -> In this case, it’s MyDev.

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Step 6: Set up your Organization and Space

In your dev space, select the open folder to set your workspace > select projects > Click Open

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Select View > Find command > search for CF: Login to Cloud Foundry and select it

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Select your API end point > Enter > enter your email address > Enter > enter your password > Enter

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Choose your Organization (trial) > Space (dev) . You will see a success notification

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Step 7: Create a list report page by getting Odata from ABAP BTP

Select View > File Command > select Fiori: Open Application Generator > List Report Object Page > Click Next

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Enter below details:

Data Source: Connect to an SAP System

System: Destination abap-cloud-default_abap-trial-0ca59b7dtrial-dev as seen in Step 3

Service: If all set up fine -> You can see the list of available Odata Services.

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Let’s Continue and create a List report object page

Choose your Odata Service. In my case I choose ZUI_C_TRAVEL_M_XXX > Next > Select entity as TravelProcessor > Enter module name > Application title > Description > Add deployment configuration: “Yes” > Add FLP configuration: “Yes” > Configure advanced options: No > Next

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On the next page, you need to provide TR and package. for that you need to log in to the ADT tool > Search your package “ZTRAVEL_APP_XVG”  and open it. Open your transport organizer tab, under “Modifiable” folder” you can see your transport request (TR)

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Fill in the additional required details > Click Finish

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Once finished you will receive see a notification as “The files have been generated”

Run the application and Preview the data

Click Run button on the left side and start your application -> you will see in the terminal that the server is started.

Note: If you have blocked pop up, you may receive a notification as shown in screenshot > Click Open

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Your default browser will open. Click Go to see your result.

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