Monday, 29 November 2021

gCTS with Gogs, Github Actions (and some thoughts)

gCTS is now an option for transporting and storing the codebase using a git-based server. One of the key point to realize is the fact that gCTS is CTS plus “g(it)”. It is still the good old transport system, but backed up by Git which adds some benefits. Comparing to abapGit, gCTS it is not so feature rich but might be easier for teams not accustomed to Git specifics and when they are using traditional single-server dev environment. abapGit has much more “usual” Git inside, giving you much more control over the code you want to commit (patch, diff, tags etc.).

Friday, 26 November 2021

Read GOS Attachment from business object and convert to xstring and Viceversa


In this blog post, we will learn how to convert a GOS attachment to xstring and vice versa.

What is GOS:

The GOS is a toolbar that provides different functions such as adding an attachment, creating a document link, displaying all the attachments etc. The attachments are not generic for that transaction but are specific for a particular SAP object.

Wednesday, 24 November 2021

How to save any data type to DB and restore them.

All of them need to manually mocked the data. This is most annoying work at the unit-tests.

After three days of work I get some solution to mock the data without need it to COPY + PASTE them.

In this approach all what you need it is to get the data in the preferred way (it can be SQL query, FUNCTION CALL and so one…), and save it to DB.

For example:

It can be some record from the table MARA and you know that your method should return this record. For this case you write one SQL query and save result to the Z-table. After you did it, you can always use the data from Z-table and DON’T NEED to mock MARA-data manually.

Monday, 22 November 2021

How to change released TR into Unreleased TR


This blog post will describe in detail how to change released TR into Unreleased TR

In this blog post, we will take the example to change released TR into Unreleased one.


Change released TR into Unreleased TR using SE09 Transaction Code

Transaciton Code: SE09 – modifiable

Saturday, 20 November 2021

Automatic closure of pending Purchase Requisition’s

This blog post is to show, how to close the open PR’s for a specified time and email attachment of excel will be sent to respective persons through background jobs. Background jobs are done by basis team.

To store mail ID’s, we are using ‘STVARVC’ T-Code. Because this T-Code will save the mail ID’s in the ‘TVARVC’ table.

Fetching stored mail ID’s from ‘TVARVC’ table and sending closed PR’s to appropriate mail’s.

Steps to create a STVARVC data.

Friday, 19 November 2021

CDS View Extension and OData Exposing

CDS(Core Data Services) is one of the new technologies SAP provides us. Similar to AMDP, it aims to increase performance by enabling data models to use and define in the database level instead of the application level. Although it has a wide range of uses, I will explain to extend a basic CDS view and expose it as an OData service.

CDS Views are virtual data models and they can be used to access Hana tables. You can use standard CDS views or create a custom one. However, in case of need, you may want to extend an already existing view to add new fields instead of creating a new one. Now, in this blog, I will create a basic CDS view, show how to extend it, and use as an OData service.

Wednesday, 17 November 2021

Defining and Displaying User-Defined layouts using Factory Method

User case: In some situations, user may want to see only few fields in his output of the ALV or he may want to see different version of layout from the one being displayed. This blog post explains the  approach to achieve the requirement using Factory Method.

Let us assume the following query where Material details from tables MARA (Material Master), MAKT (Material Description) and MARC( Plant Data for Material ) as shown below.

Monday, 15 November 2021

Integration Program With PI and Automatic creation of Goods Receipt by using a BAPI for MIGO Transaction and sending the details to third party system

This Program will help to upload the data for MIGO Transaction and also to send the data to third party system by using PI

1. Creation of PI

2. Need to display the excel file as ALV output.

iii. In MIGO there are two operations that are performed to post a GR.

iv. a) Check Operation

v. b) Post Operation.

Wednesday, 10 November 2021

Dynamic text in adobe from – content flow to next page


I had a requirement from the client which requires an adobe form with dynamic text i.e text content should overflow to next pages. So, we implemented the sub form.

A sub form is a section in the form design that provides anchoring, layout, and geometry management for objects. The object in a sub form can be arranged in rows, columns or some other kind of balanced arrangement.

More than one sub form can be used in a form design. Sub forms can be placed inside other sub form. This relationship is displayed in the Hierarchy palette.

Monday, 8 November 2021

Understanding how email template works in Flexible Workflow


Today in this blog post, we will have a deep dive to understand how system uses email templates and how email is triggered by flexible workflow. There are many beautiful blog post available today on email template on flexible workflow, but the information on how system uses these template to trigger email is missing.

Los Geht’s:

A couple of points which are worth re-iterating:

◉ The email template for Flexible Workflow is maintained using Fiori App “Maintain Email Template”.

Sunday, 7 November 2021

Filtering by Short Material Product Hierarchy Dimension Keys with ABAP CDS Views

I previously explained how to Display Short Material Product Hierarchy Level Keys with ABAP CDS Views. But what if you want to use short Material Product Hierarchy dimensions instead of hierarchy levels? Displaying dimension is not an issue, but how to filter dimension by short key value? If this question challenges you, then my new blog is for you.

SAP ABAP CDS Views, SAP ABAP Exam Prep, SAP ABAP Tutorial and Materials, SAP ABAP Prep, SAP ABAP Career, SAP ABAP Guides, SAP ABAP Skills

Saturday, 6 November 2021

Read data from attachment List

1. Introduction

Normally, we use READ_TEXT to read data text from header or item. But in some case, specially in Fiori app, text data will be saved in attachment list.

So, how to read data from attachment List?

Don’t worry, I will show you step by step to get data by using abap program

Wednesday, 3 November 2021

A simple dashboard using SAP CPQ’s Custom Table API and python app

This blog post will give you an overview of how you can make use of CPQ’s Custom Table API to build your own custom dashboard using python programming.

SAP ABAP Exam, SAP ABAP Exam Prep, SAP ABAP Prep, SAP ABAP Career, SAP ABAP Certification, SAP ABAP Guides, SAP ABAP Development

Use case:

Consider a simple use case wherein we have a list of of quotes stored in some custom table and the requirement is to create a graphical representation for the total count of quotes for each status. So we will be using a bar and a pie chart for this example.

Tuesday, 2 November 2021

ABAP Managed Database procedures with SELECT OPTIONS

The ABAP ON HANA Technology provides a great advantage to developers to push down the logic at database level. ABAP Managed Database Procedures (AMDP) was introduced in Release 7.40, SP05. since its introduction by sap there is huge progress in the development of objects in Hana as well as in ABAP platform.

ABAP ON HANA Technology increases the performance with its code to data paradigm and provides the much capabilities at HANA Level. The introduction of CDS view and AMDP are major concepts that uses the SQL script capabilities which the database understands.