
Wednesday 8 December 2021

Tips about material classfication mass upload

Function module ‘BAPI_OBJCL_CREATE’ can be used to upload new material classification data, and the function module ‘BAPI_OBJCL_CHANGE’ can be used to change existing material classification data. Before doing the upload data, it’s better to verify the material classification already existed or not by function module ‘BAPI_OBJCL_GETDETAIL’.

Be careful regards classification data as existing or not by checking the return message type from ‘BAPI_OBJCL_GETDETAIL’.

◉ <S>: Currently, material already has such an assignment for this specific classification.

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◉ <I>:  Assignment doesn’t exist now. But could be been created before then deleted later.

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◉ <E>: There’ll be no error no matter assignment existed or not for this specific classification, but errors like not existing material.

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Nothing special for new classification assignment& creation for material, little tips when comes to change mode as material classification contains 3 different types of data and has to consider new data merged with already existing data without changes. Just refer to the below code as a reference.

* Existing characteristic values
      it_old_num  type tt_bapi1003_alloc_values_num,
      it_old_char type tt_bapi1003_alloc_values_char,
      it_old_curr type tt_bapi1003_alloc_values_curr,
* Charcateristics values.
      it_new_num  type tt_bapi1003_alloc_values_num,
      wa_new_num  like line of it_new_num,
      it_new_char type tt_bapi1003_alloc_values_char,
      wa_new_char like line of it_new_char,
      it_new_curr type tt_bapi1003_alloc_values_curr,
      it_bapi_ret like table of bapiret2,
      wa_bapi_ret like bapiret2.

 * Get Existing Characteristic values.
            OBJECTKEY              = i_class-OBJECTKEYNEW
            OBJECTTABLE            = i_class-OBJECTTABLENEW
            CLASSNUM               = i_class-CLASSNUMNEW
            CLASSTYPE              = i_class-CLASSTYPENEW
            ALLOCVALUESNUM         = it_old_num
            ALLOCVALUESCHAR        = it_old_char
            ALLOCVALUESCURR        = it_old_curr
            RETURN                 = it_bapi_ret
 if return type = 'S' but it_old_num/it_old_char/it_old_curr are empty
    or return type = 'I'. "new creation mode
              OBJECTKEYNEW            = i_class-OBJECTKEYNEW
              OBJECTTABLENEW          = i_class-OBJECTTABLENEW
              CLASSNUMNEW             = i_class-CLASSNUMNEW
              CLASSTYPENEW            = i_class-CLASSTYPENEW
*             STATUS                  = '1'
*             STANDARDCLASS           =
*             CHANGENUMBER            =
*             KEYDATE                 = SY-DATUM
*             NO_DEFAULT_VALUES       = ' '
*           IMPORTING
*             CLASSIF_STATUS          =
*             ALLOCVALUESNUM          =
             ALLOCVALUESCHAR          =  lt_charact
*            ALLOCVALUESCURR          =
              RETURN                  =  lt_class_err

 else. "update mode
*         Move all existing values to the update tables
          if it_old_num[] is not initial.
            append lines of it_old_num  to it_new_num.
          if it_old_char[] is not initial.
            append lines of it_old_char to it_new_char.
          if it_old_curr[] is not initial.
            append lines of it_old_curr to it_new_curr.

          refresh: it_cl_chars.
*     get assigment between class& char
          call function 'CLME_FEATURE_ATTR_OF_CLASS'
              class                 = i_class-CLASSNUMNEW
              classtype             = i_class-CLASSTYPENEW
              language              = sy-langu
              key_date              = sy-datum
*         WITH_VALUES           = 'X'
*         CHANGE_NUMBER         = ' '
              tfeatures             = it_cl_chars
*         TVALUES               = TVALUES
              class_not_found       = 1
              no_authority          = 2
              others                = 3.

*   update data from upload file base on existing values
          clear i_charact.
          LOOP AT it_charact INTO i_charact
                   WHERE objectkeynew = p_head-material
                   and   CLASSTYPENEW = i_class-CLASSTYPENEW
                   and   CLASSNUMNEW  = i_class-classnumnew.
*   loop at all char need to be update for current class
            clear: wa_cl_chars.
            read table it_cl_chars into wa_cl_chars
                          with key atnam = i_charact-charact.
            if sy-subrc = 0.
              if wa_cl_chars-atfor = 'NUM'  or
                 wa_cl_chars-atfor = 'DATE' or
                 wa_cl_chars-atfor = 'TIME'.
* All numeric, date and time values-> it_new_num.
                wa_new_num-charact = i_charact-charact.
* Convert into internal format.
                perform convert_to_internal using i_charact-charact
                                         changing wa_new_num-value_from.
* Check if the value already exists, update with new value.
                clear ls_value_num.
                read table it_new_num into ls_value_num with key charact = i_charact-charact.
                if sy-subrc = 0.
                  ls_value_num-value_from = wa_new_num-value_from.
                  modify it_new_num from ls_value_num index sy-tabix.
                  clear: wa_new_num, ls_value_num.
* Value did not exist, append it.
                  append wa_new_num to it_new_num.
                  clear  wa_new_num.
* if not num/date/time, means All char types-> it_new_char
                wa_new_char-charact       = i_charact-charact.
                wa_new_char-value_char    = i_charact-value_char.
                wa_new_char-value_neutral = i_charact-value_char.

* Check if the value already exists, update with new value.
                clear ls_value_char.
                read table it_new_char into ls_value_char with key charact = i_charact-charact.
                if sy-subrc = 0.
                  ls_value_char-value_char    = wa_new_char-value_char.
                  ls_value_char-value_neutral = wa_new_char-value_neutral.
                  modify it_new_char from ls_value_char index sy-tabix.
                  clear: wa_new_char, ls_value_char.
* Value did not exist, append it.
                  append wa_new_char to it_new_char.
                  clear  wa_new_char.
              endif. "DATE/TIME/NUM
              it_report-statu = c_error.
              CONCATENATE i_charact-charact text-e38 into it_report-messa.
              APPEND it_report.

* Create/Change Classification values.
          refresh it_bapi_ret.
          call function 'BAPI_OBJCL_CHANGE'
              objectkey                = i_class-OBJECTKEYNEW
              objecttable              = i_class-OBJECTTABLENEW
              classnum                 = i_class-CLASSNUMNEW
              classtype                = i_class-CLASSTYPENEW
*         STATUS                   = '1'
*         CHANGENUMBER             = CHANGENUMBER
*         KEYDATE                  = SY-DATUM
*         NO_DEFAULT_VALUES        = ' '
              allocvaluesnumnew        = it_new_num
              allocvaluescharnew       = it_new_char
              allocvaluescurrnew       = it_new_curr
              return                   = it_bapi_ret.


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