
Monday, 30 May 2022

SAP EWM Technical Made easy –> Enhance EWM Product Master (/SCWM/MAT1) – UI Enhancement

In this blog, we will unpack, the transfer of additional Non EWM fields or custom fields from ERP Material Master (MM01) to EWM Product Master (/SCWM/MAT1).

1. Enter transaction EEWB and Create Project in EWM system

SAP ABAP Development, SAP ABAP Career, SAP ABAP Skills, SAP ABAP Jobs, SAP ABAP Preparation, SAP ABAP Tutorial and Material, SAP ABAP Certification

Saturday, 28 May 2022

How to enable clean code checks for ABAP

The Open Source contribution Clean ABAP style guide for ABAP coding offers best practices and set of rules for you as developers to enable you to write more efficient, easier to understand and maintainable code. Having a common understanding of the code style enhances consistency of the code base and thus significantly improves your developer experience enforcing to work more quickly with even unfamiliar code and speed up the ramp up of new developers in your environment.

The style guide allows to enforce rules with static code checks. Based on the Clean ABAP, the free and Open Source code pal for ABAP tool contains a set of checks to support the Clean ABAP adherence. Code pal for ABAP checks can be used in Code Inspector and ABAP Test Cockpit.

Friday, 27 May 2022

ABAP OO Design: 7 Basic OO Principles Summary

There many blog posts about OO principles. The reason for me to write also a blog post on this subject is because it can be a struggle to get out of all these blog posts a clear unambiguous understanding of the terms and the relationship between the terms. So this blog post is focused on how to remember them and the principles cohesion. And also to give some information about relative class names.


The basic OO principles are:

◉ Instantiation

◉ Access principles (Horizontally principles)

Wednesday, 25 May 2022

Archive Conversion with SAP LT Tool

SAP offers for the execution of the conversion on the db as well as for the related archives the Landscape Transformation Tool (LT Tool). There are a lot of kind of conversions possible. Some examples are Company Code splits, Controlling area merges or also renaming of supplier numbers for example.

In this blog we are going to focus on the archive conversion which will in most cases take place after the database conversion has already been conducted successful. The advantage is that the mapping of the db conversion can be taken over for the archive conversion as well.

To start with the archive conversion you need to call the process monitor for the merge package. This is done via Transaction code CNV_MBT_SLOP

Monday, 23 May 2022

Troubleshooting ABAP-Fiori E2E Scenarios with little (or no) information

Are you struggling with the famous “There is an issue in this Fiori App” email?

Were you not given further details on which is the error, in which environment it happened, nor which is the service name?

Are you starting with SAP Fiori but want to rely on your strong ABAP skills?

Or are you just curious…?

Sunday, 22 May 2022

Simulate 3rd party, non-SAP systems and EDI partners to remove delays from complex SAP S/4HANA transformations

Why read this article

Service virtualization and testing (SVT) solutions like Int4 IFTT (Certified ABAP addon for SAP Solution Manager – SAP Solman) provide the developers and functional consultants with ways to quickly simulate the interfaces of any 3rd party, non-SAP systems as well as B2B partners – EDI. This allows not only to quickly run test scenarios during the development (DEV) and integration (SIT) phases of the project but also run the regression testing on any non-productive environment. Not having to install and maintain many new test instances of non-SAP systems also allows the SAP S/4HANA transformation projects to be more sustainable as projects use less resources and can be done much faster, therefore reducing carbon footprint significantly.

Friday, 20 May 2022

Process Order Screen Enhancements (COR1/COR2/COR3)

Customer fields in process order transactions (COR1/COR2/COR3) : PPCO0020 Screen Exit


In this blog post we are going to create a custom tab for Process Order transactions (COR1/COR2/COR3) with below 3 additional fields:

◉ Reason for Schedule Variance (Drop down options)

◉ Schedule End Date (Non-editable)

◉ Schedule End Time (Non-editable)

Wednesday, 18 May 2022

Implementation of $Batch Processing in the Odata with CDS

The topic is ‘$Batch operation on the Gateway Services with CDS’. In Odata, generally we use deep entity method for implementing table or header-item relationship. But sometimes we do not want to implement deep structure methodology, we want to send data in just one request or try to do different thing.

This blogpost will explain details of Odata implimentation ’$Batch Processing’ step by step.

First topic is the reason of why we use $Batch method, Aim of the Odata Batch method is send several request in just one HTTP request. It helps us to use; get or put or post (etc.) methods in a parallel. This is very effective method for computing.

Monday, 16 May 2022

zsql_test_double_framework as downport of OSQL Test Double Framework for releases from 7.02 to 7.50

Unit tests play a big role in modern software development. Unit tests let us check parts of our code for correctness very quickly within seconds. Independence of unit tests on any external dependencies means independence on any external environments like network, file system, database etc

Most of SAP developments work with database and we need a good isolation technique to test them. ABAP SQL Test Double Framework in my opinion is one of the best implementations ever. It lets you create something like a virtual database with temporary data in any table, Open SQL selects and updates work with that data in test mode.

But unfortunately ABAP SQL Test Double Framework is available starting from 7.51 version. I work in company where most of project use releases 7.50 and lower and I cannot use it.

Saturday, 14 May 2022

ABAP REST API http Service call from Postman: JSON to ABAP data

This blog post will describe the steps of how to expose REST API and handle REST API request from SAP ECC 6.0 without installing SAP Gateway service builder component. It will also help to convert json data to ABAP data. In this blog post I have described how to build web server service in ECC application server of Rest APIs using JSON data format.

Prerequisite JSON data format, SAP logon and postman.

◉ Define JSON structure:

JSON is a text-based data format which follow JavaScript object syntax. It stores the value in form of key value pair. Each of the property and value is separated with colon (:).

Wednesday, 11 May 2022

How to change database table entries in any environment?


This blog post will help you to change database entry in any environment with ease, but remember this is very powerful technique and may leads to data inconsistency if any wrong key data changed.

Also after this blog post you will be able to update the entries.

“This is very useful technique which can be used to change database tables data in any environment (if you have CHANGE access in Debugger).

The changes which can be taken out through this process cannot be tracked so may leads to inconsistencies. Think twice before using this….”

Friday, 6 May 2022

gCTS configuration and integration with GitHub

SAP has launched Git-enabled Change and Transport system (gCTS) back in 2019 with S/4 HANA 1909 to manage the ABAP changes which can leverage Git as an external system for Version Management.

Now let us understand what are the planned use cases of gCTS are:

Planned use case 1: You need to build N+1 landscape for new project requirement

Using gCTS we can create a Feature branch and a Maintenance branch and perform changes in the same N landscape development system in parallel.

Monday, 2 May 2022

HTTP Services in SAP BTP


The HTTP service is the component of the Application Server that provides facilities for deploying web applications and for making deployed web applications accessible by HTTP clients.

We have seen HTTP and HTTPS services in SAP ERP, there are many steps involved to create and enable this service in ERP. But in BTP its relatively Simpler, Let’s look at the steps for creating HTTP service in SAP BTP.