
Wednesday 8 May 2024

How to identify the actually used UserInterface Technology from ABAP

I would like to share with you a method I wrote in my last S/4HANA 2022 Assetmanagement Project to identify from ABAP side (Userexit, BADI, Enhancement, ...) the UserInterface (UI) Technology ("WinGUI", "htmlbased GUI", "WebDynpro", "Fiori", ...) the user is currently using.

How to identify the actually used UserInterface Technology from ABAP

To maintain orders in Assetmanagement (SAP component PM-WOC-MO "Maintenance Orders") we can currently use these different UIs:

  • classic WinGUI (e.g. Transaction IW32)
  • htmlGUI (e.g. Transaction IW32 html-based)
  • WebDynpro for ABAP (App EAMS_WDA_ORDNTF_OIF)
  • Fiori/UI5 (e.g. App F2175 "Find Maintenance Orders")

Depending on the UI, the message-handling in userexits like IWO10002 "PM maintenance order: Customer check for order release" or BADIs like WORKORDER_UPDATE "Business Add-Inn PM/PP/PS/Pi Orders: Operation: UPDATE" can be quite different.

To enable all the possible UIs for users of several company areas and to increase usabilitiy, I had to implement a different message-handling depending on the UI.

So at first I had to determine the UI-Technology the User is currently using. This is the method to do this:

*"Methoden Signatur:
*"  Returning
  METHOD get_ui_type.

*-- HGU - Html SAP GUI
    DATA: lv_its_active TYPE flag.
        return = lv_its_active.
    IF lv_its_active IS NOT INITIAL.
      mes_gui-name  = 'HGU'.
      mes_gui-value = 'Html SAP GUI'.

*- BatchInput (muss vor WGU stehen!)
    IF sy-binpt IS NOT INITIAL.
      mes_gui-name  = 'BNP'.
      mes_gui-value = 'BatchInput'.

*-- WGU - Windows SAP GUI
    DATA: lv_gui_active TYPE flag.
        return = lv_gui_active.
    IF lv_gui_active IS NOT INITIAL.
      mes_gui-name  = 'WGU'.
      mes_gui-value = 'Windows SAP GUI'.

*-- BSP - Business Server Pages
    DATA(lr_bsp_server) = cl_bsp_runtime=>if_bsp_runtime~server.
    IF lr_bsp_server IS BOUND.
      mes_gui-name  = 'BSP'.
      mes_gui-value = 'Business Server Pages'.

*-- WDA - WebDynpro for ABAP
    DATA(lr_wd_server) = wdr_task=>server.
    IF lr_wd_server IS BOUND.
      mes_gui-name  = 'WDA'.
      mes_gui-value = 'WebDynpro ABAP'.

*-- ODA - oData (Fiori, ...)
    DATA(lo_batch_helper) = /iwfnd/cl_mgw_batch_helper=>get_batch_helper( ). "wird angelegt, wenn nicht aktiv!
    lo_batch_helper->batch_get_service_name_version(                         "Daher keine Prüfung 'IS BOUND'nötig
        ev_service_name    = DATA(lv_service_name)
        ev_service_version = DATA(lv_service_version)
    IF lv_service_name IS NOT INITIAL.
      mes_gui-name  = 'ODA'.
      mes_gui-value = 'oData (Fiori, ...)'.

*-- Hintergrundverarbeitung/Background (Job/...)
    IF sy-batch IS NOT INITIAL.
      mes_gui-name  = 'BAT'.
      mes_gui-value = 'batch / background'.


The method determines the UI Technology and returns a 3 character long ID for the UI (mes_gui-name) and a short explanation (mes_gui-value):

  • HGU - Html SAP GUI
  • BNP - BatchInput
  • WGU - Windows SAP GUI
  • BSP - Business Server Pages (or WCF Web Client Framework in S/4-Service)
  • WDA - WebDynpro for ABAP
  • ODA - oData (Fiori, ...)
  • BAT - Batch / Background (Job, ...)

These results are similar to, but not exactly the same than the Framework-IDs you can get from the "Info"-entry in Launchpad user menu for each app:

How to identify the actually used UserInterface Technology from ABAP

How to identify the actually used UserInterface Technology from ABAP

How to identify the actually used UserInterface Technology from ABAP

How to identify the actually used UserInterface Technology from ABAP

I suppose it is not possible to identify the UI "Fiori" or "UI5" directly from ABAP in general, as there is always something like an oData-Service in between the UI and my custom ABAP-code, and this oData-Service can be consumed by any possible UI or even without UI. But for my purposes during message-handling in Assetmanagement it is enough to know, that an oData-Service is active and then I conclude the UI is Fiori/UI5. 

It seems that there are some more ways to identify the different UIs like "CHECK CL_WEB_DYNPRO=>IS_ACTIVE = abap_true." for WDA or "CHECK cl_gui_object=>gui_is_running = abap_true." for GUI. If you know/find some more, please feel free to comment.

Hint: The identification of UI-Technology WCF (Web Client Framework) in S/4-Service can be done via the BSP-Check within above method, too. But as far as I know, there does not exist any different UI than WCF in S/4-Service. So the check would not be necessary there (e.g. in BADI CRMS4_SERV_CHECK_BEFORE_SAVE).

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