
Friday, 24 May 2024

RDG eases the process of data replication through SOA services with custom enhancements.

Syniti RDG is an SAP-endorsed application on the Business Technology Platform (SAP BTP) to facilitate MDG implementation with intuitive UI and process automation.

RDG eases the process of data replication by setting data replication configuration steps like data replication model, create and maintain business systems and can map standard and customized attributes with different mapping transformations. This simplifies the process onto one easy to navigate screen. RDG replication via IDoc or via services (WSDL and SOA) are available and are dependent on the outbound implementation selected. Custom enhancements with replication of data can also be created in SOA proxy structure depending on business requirements.

In the main menu, select "Interface Configuration".

RDG eases the process of data replication through SOA services with custom enhancements.

Create New Replication Model:

Step 1: In the home screen, select ‘Interface Configuration.’ 

Step 2: Create new Interface by selecting + .

Step 3: Enter required data: 

  • Replication Model – ZSOABP (select or create new) 
  • Description – SOA for BP 
  • Outbound Implementation – 986_1 
  • Communication Channel – Defaults from Outbound Implementation setup. For SOA services, the value is 1. 
  • Data Model - BP
  • Business System – T42CLNT100 

RDG eases the process of data replication through SOA services with custom enhancements.

Additional data is optional: 

  • Sequence – Defaults to 00 
  • Filter Time 

If the Business System is not set up it can be added. 

New Business System:

Step 1: Select Manage Business System to add a New Business System

RDG eases the process of data replication through SOA services with custom enhancements.

Step 2: Enter Business System – follow standard naming convention. 

Step 3: Additional data is optional. 

RDG eases the process of data replication through SOA services with custom enhancements.

Once the replication model is saved with all necessary configurations, select the business system for mapping to load the SOA Proxy ABAP structure like below.

RDG eases the process of data replication through SOA services with custom enhancements.

For data replication involving SOA, enhancements with elements and attributes may be added in the Mapping Details table. An enhancement may have attribute(s) directly under it or may have element(s) that contain attribute(s). 

Add Element and Attribute:

Depending on the requirement, enhancement can be created for elements or attributes.

Step 1: Highlight the segment. Click on Edit Proxy and click on Add. 

RDG eases the process of data replication through SOA services with custom enhancements.

Step 2: Choose Add Element. Or choose Add Attribute to add the attribute directly under the enhancement.

RDG eases the process of data replication through SOA services with custom enhancements.

Step 3: Enter enhancement details.

RDG eases the process of data replication through SOA services with custom enhancements.

Step 4: Enter custom attributes that extends Business partner.

RDG eases the process of data replication through SOA services with custom enhancements.

Step 5: Click Save and select the correct TR and package. 

Step 6: Receive a confirmation message that the changes have been submitted and that the details will load when completed. 

RDG eases the process of data replication through SOA services with custom enhancements.

Step 7: After the refresh, the new enhancement is now added to the proxy structure.

RDG eases the process of data replication through SOA services with custom enhancements.

Edit Mapping

After the enhancement is created and loaded, additional mappings of different types can be made depending on the requirements.

Step 1: Find a segment/field or enhancement/attribute by scrolling or by using the filter at the top of the table. Or filter by selecting the type of transformation. To change the mapping, click Edit Mapping. Then adjust the mapping by selecting fixed, bypass or mapped value transformation. 

RDG eases the process of data replication through SOA services with custom enhancements.

Step 2: Choose Fixed Value transformation and Mapped value for the attributes extended.

RDG eases the process of data replication through SOA services with custom enhancements.

Step 3: For Mapped Value transformation, select table from the drop down list. It is mandatory to select and map the key values of table. The key value can be a static or dynamic change request data value.

RDG eases the process of data replication through SOA services with custom enhancements.

To map dynamic change request key value, select the field from the proxy structure itself.

RDG eases the process of data replication through SOA services with custom enhancements.

RDG eases the process of data replication through SOA services with custom enhancements.

Step 4: Select the table field to map the value of table field to the field of enhanced proxy structure.

RDG eases the process of data replication through SOA services with custom enhancements.

Step 5: Complete the mapping according to the transformation: 

◉ If Fixed value is selected, enter the fixed value. 
◉ Bypass will not require additional information (only available for IDOC) 
◉ Mapped value will require a referencing table to be selected along with the key value. Then map it with the table field.

Step 6: Save mapping, select transport and package to complete. 

To check the enhancement details being replicated, approve a change request from BP. An outbound message is created in SRT_MONI, once the data is sent out successfully to the target business system with mappings.

Note: SOA Manager Configurations are mandatory to set up, before replicating the data.

RDG eases the process of data replication through SOA services with custom enhancements.

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