
Friday 29 April 2022

Enhancement at Purchase Requisition: Status Grid

There’re some articles already explaining how to add customized fields at the customized sub-screen of ME53N:

Add Custom Field to Purchase Requisition – MEREQ001 by M.Ozgur Unal

Add a Custom Screen on Purchase Requisition Header by Gangrong Chen

What if only a few more standard fields at Purchase Requisition: Status Grid without using custom TAB/sub-screen?

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Find the corresponding sub-screen number which is 3317 for Purchas Requisition: Status – ALV Grid at function group: MEGUI. Screen 3316 is a sub-area for purchase requisition: status.

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Related objects for Purchase Requisition: Status Grid:

◉ Structure name: MEREQ_HISTORY
◉ Refered class: cl_grid_view_mm
◉ Populate method: transport_from_model

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Besides, the key function module ‘MEPOBADI_CHANGE_OUTTAB’ will provide method ‘fill_outtab’ against the BADI ‘me_change_outtab_cus ‘ to populate customized or newly added fields inside ‘MM_PURREQ_HISTORY_GET’.

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So now it’ll be clear that we can simply enhance this standard ALV grid with the following steps:

1. Create append structure for ‘MMREQ_HISTORY’

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2. Create BADI Implementation for ‘ME_CHANGE_OUTTAB_CUS’

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METHOD if_ex_me_change_outtab_cus~fill_outtab.
* When processing this source code, you activate the following functionality:
* The reporting transactions for purchasing documents provide three main views
* for display: basic list, delivery schedule, and account assignment. All
* three views contain a column "Material". If the material of a purchasing
* document item is a manufacturer part number (MPN) then this MPN is shown
* as "Material". The internal inventory managed material is not visible.
* The following source code replaces the MPN by the inventory managed material.

  DATA: ls_ekpo TYPE ekpo,
        lv_werks type EWERK,
        lv_bstYP type EBSTYP.

  FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_outtab>   TYPE any,
                 <fs_ebeln>    TYPE ebeln,
                 <fs_ebelp>    TYPE ebelp,
                 <fs_ertwr>    TYPE bbwert,
                 <fs_abskz>    TYPE abskz,
                 <fs_werks>    TYPE EWERK,
                 <fs_agmem>    TYPE agmem,
                 <fs_material> TYPE matnr.

* check that a purchasing document view is displayed

* loop at the output table and assign a field symbol
  LOOP AT ch_outtab ASSIGNING <fs_outtab>.

*-- assign the purchasing document number to a field symbol
    ASSIGN COMPONENT 'EBELN' OF STRUCTURE <fs_outtab> TO <fs_ebeln>.
    CHECK sy-subrc = 0.
*-- assign the purchasing document item number to a field symbol
    ASSIGN COMPONENT 'EBELP' OF STRUCTURE <fs_outtab> TO <fs_ebelp>.
    CHECK sy-subrc = 0.
    ASSIGN COMPONENT 'WERKS' OF STRUCTURE <fs_outtab> TO <fs_werks>.
    CHECK sy-subrc = 0.
*   NEW 3 fields at PO history item level!
    ASSIGN COMPONENT 'BRTWR' OF STRUCTURE <fs_outtab> TO <fs_ertwr>.
    ASSIGN COMPONENT 'ABSKZ' OF STRUCTURE <fs_outtab> TO <fs_abskz>.
    ASSIGN COMPONENT 'AGMEM' OF STRUCTURE <fs_outtab> TO <fs_agmem>.

"   get Purchasing Document Category
   clear lv_bstyp.
   select single bstyp
     into lv_bstyp
     from ekko
     where ebeln eq <fs_ebeln>.

* Restriction for IN* plant and 'RFQ' only!
   if lv_bstyp eq 'A' and <fs_werks>+0(2) EQ 'IN'.
     "populate those 3 added fields for ME53N at PO item history~!
    SELECT SINGLE brtwr abskz agmem FROM ekpo
      INTO ( <fs_ertwr>, <fs_abskz>, <fs_agmem> )
      WHERE ebeln EQ <fs_ebeln>
      AND   ebelp EQ <fs_ebelp>.



3. Change the layout at ME53n

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So BADI ‘ME_CHANGE_OUTTAB_CUS’ will be very helpful for all those kinds of enhancing for ME* transactions. Check this first before using any other approaches.


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