I was interested in standard analytics capabilities of HCM in S/4HANA (1511) and Orgunit Hierarchy realization in ABAP CDS views.
I. Find a standard HR hierarchy
I started with Query Browser Fiori App and wanted to find standard analytical queries by HCM components like HR-PA, HR-PD, HR-PT, HR-PY etc. But there was not one unfortunately.
After this I went to ABAP dictionary to find where main HR tables, like HRP1000, HRP1001, PA0001 are used. It is possible to find DDL Sources.
At the picture you could see a result for HRP1001, there is a private CDS view for table of relationships between HR Objects (PIQCDSHRP1001)
I. Find a standard HR hierarchy
I started with Query Browser Fiori App and wanted to find standard analytical queries by HCM components like HR-PA, HR-PD, HR-PT, HR-PY etc. But there was not one unfortunately.
After this I went to ABAP dictionary to find where main HR tables, like HRP1000, HRP1001, PA0001 are used. It is possible to find DDL Sources.
At the picture you could see a result for HRP1001, there is a private CDS view for table of relationships between HR Objects (PIQCDSHRP1001)
After this I found a packages with ABAP CDS definitions of HCM Area:
There are not so many ABAP CDS views. You could see private, interface and consumption prefics of names:
But I didn’t find Orgunit Hierarchy in some of there views. That’s why we have to build a new one.
Important: I am sure that at some future releases of S/4HANA there will be (or already exist in 1610) a standard approach, but as this is my case, I am using this like an opportunity of building custom hierarchy ABAP CDS View.
II. Create custom hierarchy CDS view
1. Create a hierarchy view Zi_Orgunit_H
- I’m using some standard private CDS views on HRP1000 and HRP1001 tables.
- CDS view Zi_Orgunit_Dim will be showed later. It’s our dimention CDS view. I will open it in Analysis for Excel to demonstrate a result.
- This is a simple example on test data and I am not care about time-dependency of hierarchy structure, but in real case it of cause shouldbe done. You could use P_TODAYDATE or create a variable for key date different that today.
- Take care about correct definition of hirarchy semation. If you don’t use hierarchy directory @Hierarchy.ParentChild.name is mandatory.
@VDM.viewType: #BASIC
@ObjectModel: { dataCategory: #HIERARCHY }
@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'ZIORGUNITH'
@Hierarchy.parentChild.name: 'ORGEH_01'
@Hierarchy.parentChild.label: 'Orgunit hierarchy 01'
{ recurse: { parent: 'ParentNode', child: 'HierarchyNode' },
siblingsOrder: { by: 'HierarchyNode', direction: 'ASC' },
orphanedNode.handling: #ROOT_NODES,
rootNode.visibility: #DO_NOT_ADD_ROOT_NODE
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #NOT_ALLOWED
define view Zi_Orgunit_H
as select from P_PDOBJECT as object
inner join P_PDRELATION as relation on
relation.PlanVersion = object.PlanVersion and
relation.ObjectType = object.ObjectType and
relation.ObjectID = object.ObjectID and
relation.RelationStatus = object.ObjectStatus
association[0..*] to Zi_Orgunit_Dim as _Zi_Orgunit_Dim on $projection.OrgUnit = _Zi_Orgunit_Dim.Orgunit
key object.ObjectID as HierarchyNode,
relation.EndDate as RelationEndDate,
relation.StartDate as RelationStartDate,
relation.RelatedObjectID as ParentNode,
@ObjectModel.foreignKey.association: '_Zi_Orgunit_Dim'
relation.ObjectID as OrgUnit,
} where object.PlanVersion = '01' and
relation.ObjectType = 'O' and
relation.RelationShipDirection = 'A' and
relation.ReleationShip = '002' and
relation.RelatedObjectType = 'O'
Data preview in HANA Studio:
2. Create a dimension view Zi_Orgunit_Dim
- In this CDS view we create an association to hierarchy CDS, in hierarchy CDS an association to dimention CDS is also needed.
- For texts to be showen in Analysis we could use a standard CDS view I_OrgUnitText, but in this view dataCategory is missing (#TEXT needed to be defined), that’s why @ObjectModel.text.assosiation is not possible. But we could always use @ObjectModel.text.element annotation instead.
@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'ZIORGUNITD'
@AbapCatalog.compiler.compareFilter: true
@AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #NOT_REQUIRED
@EndUserText.label: 'ZI_ORGUNIT_DIM'
@VDM.viewType: #BASIC
@Analytics: { dataCategory: #DIMENSION, dataExtraction.enabled: true }
@ObjectModel.representativeKey: 'Orgunit'
define view Zi_Orgunit_Dim
as select distinct from P_PDOBJECT
association[0..*] to Zi_Orgunit_H as _OrgUnit_Hier on $projection.Orgunit = _OrgUnit_Hier.OrgUnit
association[0..*] to I_OrgUnitText as _Text on
$projection.Orgunit = _Text.OrganizationalUnit
@ObjectModel.Hierarchy.association: '_OrgUnit_Hier'
@ObjectModel.text.element: [ 'OrgunitName' ]
@EndUserText.label: 'Orgunit'
key P_PDOBJECT.ObjectID as Orgunit,
@Semantics.businessDate.to: true
@Semantics.businessDate.from: true
@Semantics.text: true
_Text.OrganizationalUnitName as OrgunitName
} where P_PDOBJECT.ObjectType = 'O';
Data preview in HANA Studio (As you can see no hierarchy are show. This is normal of course):
3. Open dimension CDS view Zi_Orgunit_Dim in Analysis for Excel.
- Technical name is 2CZIORGUNITD.
- Technical name and description of hierarchy are the same as we defined earlier.
4. Compare with PPOSE:
Almost the same except a root Company organisational unit.
Our hierarchy has ROOT node Company 50000050, but unfortunately this is not showed correctly in Analysis for Excel and BEx Analyzer also.
I supposed that these 2 annotation at the hierarchy CDS view definition should control this:
- @Hierarchy.parentChild.orphanedNode.handling: #ROOT_NODES
Defines how nodes with a parent that does not occur as a child are processed. It should create a root for Company 50000050, but It is not happen.
- @Hierarchy.parentChild.rootNode.visibility: #DO_NOT_ADD_ROOT_NODE
The system will not add an additional artificial single root node to the hierarchy.
Compromise Solution:
We could filter in reports Not assigned Nodes of hierarchy handle this case some how.
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