We keep getting requirements from businesses to create a Z Process to perform Order , Delivery and Invoicing in the background.
Although there are other option like BDC’s, here I am making attempt to do the same using FM/BAPI’s, this might be useful specially for Consultant who have just started working on Developments.
The Usage is typically for any Development where there is requirement for Mass Automaton of Order to Invoice generation or for a requirement where we need to perform the whole Order to Invoice process in background.
Input to such backend process typically happens through an external source e.g. manually uploading spreadsheet with data containing the input parameters for creating Sales Order
Pre-requisites for this process is that all Configuration (for running foreground process) and determination (Plant, Pricing, Storage location and so on) should be in place.
BAPI/Functional Modules to be used :
PROCESS 1 – SO Creation :
BAPI_SALESORDER_CREATEFROMDAT2 to be used for creation of the same.
Input parameters :
DOC_TYPE Sales Document Type that is to used
SALES_ORG Sales Org. that is to used
DISTR_CHAN Distribution Channel that is to used
DIVISION Division that is to used
PURCH_DATE PO Date that is to be entered in SO header
PURCH_NO_C PO No. that is to be entered in SO header
MATERIAL Material Number
PARTN_ROLE Value “SP” to be entered
PARTN_NUMB Customer No. (Sold-to-Party)
Similarly add and enter the Partner functions (i.e. SH, BP, PY) and it’s corresponding value
REQ_QTY Quantity
Post Execution of BAPI_SALESORDER_CREATEFROMDAT2 we need to run BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT to get the desired result.
Accordingly using the above mentioned two BAPI’s and passing the required parameters in our coding we can create the Sales Order to complete PROCESS 1.
PROCESS 2 – Delivery Creation :
BAPI_OUTB_DELIVERY_CREATE_SLS to be used for creation of the same.
Input parameters :
REF_DOC Sales Order No. (VBAK-VBELN) saved in PROCESS 1 is to be passed
Sample screenshot :
Post Execution of BAPI_OUTB_DELIVERY_CREATE_SLS we need to run BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT as mentioned for PROCESS 1 to get the desired result.
Accordingly using the above mentioned BAPI’s and passing the required parameters in our coding we create the Delivery document to complete PROCESS 2.
PROCESS 3 – Picking and PGI of Delivery :
WS_DELIVERY_UPDATE to be used for the same.
Input parameters :
Input in VBKOK_WA –
VBELN_VL Delivery Number (LIKP-VBELN)created in PROCESS 2 is to be passed
WABUC Value ” X” to be passed
Sample Screenshot :
SYNCHRON Value ” X” to be passed
DELIVERY Delivery Number (LIKP-VBELN) created in PROCESS 2 is to be passed
UPDATE_PICKING Value ” X” to be passed
NICHT_SPERREN Value ” X” to be passed
IF_DATABASE_UPDATE Value ” 1” to be passed
IF_ERROR_MESSAGES_SEND_0 Value ” X” to be passed
Sample Screenshot :

Input in VBPOK_TAB –
VBELN_VL Delivery Number (LIKP-VBELN) created in PROCESS 2 is to be passed
POSNR_VL Del. Item No. (LIPS-POSNR) created in PROCESS 2 is to be passed
VBELN Sales Order Number (VBAK-VBELN) saved in PROCESS 1 is to be passed
POSNN Sales Order Item No. (VBAP-POSNR) saved in PROCESS 1 is to be passed
MATNR Material (LIPS-MATNR) in Delivery to be passed
WERKS Plant (LIPS-WERKS) in Delivery to be passed
NDIFM Quantity(LIPS-LFIMG) in Delivery to be passed
LFIMG Quantity (LIPS-LFIMG) in Delivery to be passed
LGMNG Quantity (LIPS-LFIMG) in Delivery to be passed
VRKME UoM (LIPS-VRKME) in Delivery to be passed
Input in PROT –
VBELN Delivery (LIKP-VBELN) created in PROCESS 2 is to be passed
POSNR Delivery Item No. (LIPS-POSNR) created in PROCESS 2 is to be passed
MATNR Material (LIPS-MATNR) in Delivery to be passed
LFIMG Quantity (LIPS-LFIMG) in Delivery to be passed
VRKME UoM (LIPS-VRKME) in Delivery to be passed
Accordingly using the above mentioned FM and passing the required parameters in our coding we complete the picking and PGI of the delivery thereby completing PROCESS 3.
PROCESS 4 – Billing document :
RV_INVOICE_CREATE to be used for creation of the same.
Input parameters :
WITH_POSTING Value ” B” to be passed

Input in XKOMFK –
MANDT System Client no. (Sy-Clnt value) to be passed
VBELN Delivery (LIKP-VBELN) saved in PROCESS 3 is to be passed
Accordingly using the above mentioned FM and passing the required parameters in our coding we complete the Invoice generation process thereby completing PROCESS 4.
The above inputs in this blog is my attempt to make things easier for Consultants to refer when they come across similar Business requirement.
Please note that this is just one of the methods for completing the Order to Invoice cycle in backend using BAPI/FM’s. and there might be other viable options as well.
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