Monday 13 May 2024

Working with Business Application Studio with Azure Git and Deploy application in On-Premise system

Azure Git with BAS

Preparing Git for a new Project

◉ Open Azure

Working with Business Application Studio with Azure Git and Deploy application in On-Premise system

◉ Select the Repos option from the left Pane. Here you can create the branches for your BAS project and refer to your BAS project for pushing or pulling the code. Below screenshot we can see the New Branch creation button. 

Working with Business Application Studio with Azure Git and Deploy application in On-Premise system

Azure Git connectivity with BAS (Business Application Studio)   

◉ After creation of Application in BAS, open terminal and execute git init command.

Working with Business Application Studio with Azure Git and Deploy application in On-Premise system

◉ Execute git config --global <email ID Azure_repo>

Working with Business Application Studio with Azure Git and Deploy application in On-Premise system

◉ Execute git config --global "your_name"

Working with Business Application Studio with Azure Git and Deploy application in On-Premise system

◉ Execute git remote add origin https://urls.git (first time once you are doing committing to repo)

Working with Business Application Studio with Azure Git and Deploy application in On-Premise system

◉ Execute git add command

Working with Business Application Studio with Azure Git and Deploy application in On-Premise system

◉ Now execute git pull origin <Branch_Name> --allow-unrelated-histories.

It will ask credentials for azure git. Provide the password which can is generate from azure git portal,

Working with Business Application Studio with Azure Git and Deploy application in On-Premise system

Working with Business Application Studio with Azure Git and Deploy application in On-Premise system

◉ Execute git commit -m "Your Comments.”

Working with Business Application Studio with Azure Git and Deploy application in On-Premise system

◉ Execute git push origin HEAD:<branch_name>

Working with Business Application Studio with Azure Git and Deploy application in On-Premise system

Working with Business Application Studio with Azure Git and Deploy application in On-Premise system

In Azure portal you should see our committed code like above screen.

Project cloning in BAS workspace from Azure Git

◉ Execute git clone <URL link>. Obtain URL from git.

Working with Business Application Studio with Azure Git and Deploy application in On-Premise system

◉ Execute the below command and project will clone in your BAS workspace.

Working with Business Application Studio with Azure Git and Deploy application in On-Premise system

Push changes from BAS to Azure Git

◉ Do the changes in your project, for example here a modified i18n file is shown. After change execute git status to check which files are modified yet.

Working with Business Application Studio with Azure Git and Deploy application in On-Premise system

◉ Then execute git add.

Working with Business Application Studio with Azure Git and Deploy application in On-Premise system

◉ Now execute git commit -m “<your_msg>”

Working with Business Application Studio with Azure Git and Deploy application in On-Premise system

◉ Now execute git push origin HEAD:<branch_name>

Working with Business Application Studio with Azure Git and Deploy application in On-Premise system

We can see the changes in Azure Git portal,

Working with Business Application Studio with Azure Git and Deploy application in On-Premise system

Working with Business Application Studio with Azure Git and Deploy application in On-Premise system

Deployment from BAS

Application Deployment from BAS to SAP On-Premise System

◉ Go to project folder and open terminal and execute the command npm init like below screen.

Working with Business Application Studio with Azure Git and Deploy application in On-Premise system

◉ Execute npm run build

Working with Business Application Studio with Azure Git and Deploy application in On-Premise system

◉ Then we must execute, npm run deploy-config

Working with Business Application Studio with Azure Git and Deploy application in On-Premise system

Here the system will ask for the ABAP repository, target system, package (put package name which are existing into SAP system), BSP application name, Transport request.

Working with Business Application Studio with Azure Git and Deploy application in On-Premise system

◉ Then execute npm run deploy

Working with Business Application Studio with Azure Git and Deploy application in On-Premise system

Working with Business Application Studio with Azure Git and Deploy application in On-Premise system

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